
Kamis, 07 Maret 2013

Teacher Mbeling

For the Ministry of culture and education, the curriculum is already going wrong., 2013 However, for a number of observers and groups care about education, the curriculum is still need to be scrutinized and perfected. Some of them even expressly refused.

Teachers who apply this curriculum? It's like we need a mbeling when teachers implement the curriculum of 2013.

The term mbeling is derived from the Java language implying the naughty, like rebel against kemapanan, and often perform actions outside of the habit. However, in contrast to random mbeling. On the mbeling contained elements of consciousness, reason, as well as responsibility for the expression mbelingnya. Mbeling selected to fight for things that principle. On mbeling indeed requires awareness, intelligence, authenticity, responsibility and courage.

The attitude of mbeling often chosen not solely for the sake of self-interest. Mbeling attitude is often precisely selected to fight for and care for life. Therefore, mbeling are often the expression of the soul's call to fight for principles and care for life.

Mbeling teachers are teachers who are aware of his vocation as educators. Mbeling teachers are aware of the things that limits creativity and struggle to educate properly and responsibly. For the sake of education, dignity, and calls his soul as an educator, he dared bersusah-susah and championing learning outside of the habit.

Education World teacher mbeling studded. From now we can have them inspiration and learning breakthroughs. How student Anne Sullivan to Helen Keller is one such example. Kembelingan Anne Sullivan, Helen Keller not only save. They gave birth to the learning methods which brighten the fortunes of millions of blind and deaf children.

Teacher Erin Gruwell Freedom Writers movie is another example of the teacher mbeling. His relentlessness against the class urakan and gripping, and pessimism in his school teachers, making his body abound adrenaline. Mbelingnya expression to unfold in the courage to determine seating formations disciples, create group dynamics to break the tension, as well as his creativity leads the disciples to dilute the burden of life through diary writing. Fruit-selling mbeling Erin Gruwel is solidarity and passion of the student learning.

There is also Mr. Sosaku Kobayashi, Tomoe Gakuen school principal place of Totto-chan learn (on the novel Totto-chan: the little Girl at the window). Mbelingnya attitude creates learning opportunities for many children who are "strange" because "keanehannya" have no place to learn in "normal" schools. The courage of Mr. Kobayashi concocted an unusual learning model at that time was a real expression of mbelingnya attitude. In Indonesia, the educator mbeling ever present in Romo Mangun figure with SD Mangunannya.

The context of the curriculum of 2013

Mbeling teacher nan Wei Minzhi is unique in the film Not One Less. He pocokan teacher. He was only 13 years old. Teacher Wei eventually mbeling having to find Zhang Huike, disciple of bengal was forced to to the city for the sake of finding money for the treatment of his mother. As it was conceived Emmanuel Levinas, slowly, gradually, conscientious teacher Wei torn apart by grief his exposure. Pieces are demanding a conscience of concurrent liability that makes the moral teacher Wei mbeling.

Opinions about 2013 Curriculum has many covered in Compass expected fishing mbeling attitude teachers in the country. A number of reasons it should rend conscience educator and simultaneously feel responsible are prosecuted. Sebutlah, for example, Curriculum analysis the absurd, not 2013, accommodating the desire to know, the formation of a critical attitude, the superficiality, the weakness of language learning materials, to less training program matangnya (Kompas, 22/2; 24/3).

It was not easy to make the perfect curriculum. Therefore, as Anita Lie (26/2), let the teachers realize that he must be a good driver when driving the curriculum of 2013. Only a good driver that can carry passengers (read: disciple) came to the right place.

Indeed, a teacher who serves as a good driver for the curriculum still found many shortcomings meniscayakan of courage, intelligence, moral responsibility, and even driving in ways that are not unusual. It means that, for the sake of the success of the curriculum of the country compulsory teacher 2013 mbeling.

Do you dare to teachers we behave mbeling in driving the curriculum of 2013? Improvisation and variety of learning mbeling often is not easy to do in this country. One of the obstacles is heavy when it ultimately had to undergo a national test event. Study of mbeling, although in the interest of protege, eventually became the betting.

Still dare to be teacher mbeling?

SIDHARTA SUSILA Educators: living in Muntilan, Magelang



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