
Minggu, 07 April 2013

Registration Fee Selection PTN Ride

June 19, 2013.

The local organizing Committee (Panlok) SBMPTN Bandung has provided 2,000 classrooms, scattered in four colleges. Thousands of classrooms to accommodate 40,000 test participants from all over Indonesia. "To our supervisory personnel wear one supervisor to oversee the 10 participants. In a test room is 20 people. So we wear two supervisors in a classroom, "he said.

Previously reported, four universities in Bandung, Padjadjaran University (UNPAD), Intstitut Teknologi Bandung (ITB), Indonesia University of Education (UPI), and the State Islamic University (UIN) Sunan Gunung Djati, ready to select the 40,000 participants Shared Selection test of college entrance (SBMPTN) by 2013. It was disclosed by Executive Secretary I of the Local Organizing Committee (Panlok) SBMPTN Bandung, Asep Gana Suganda, noon.



Curriculum book 2013 Refined Repeatedly

Thematic book integrative, that will be used for students in Elementary School curriculum new, has evolved into the seventh. The book will be applied in mid-July.

Deputy Minister of education and culture Musliar Kasim said that the completion of this repeatedly to produce good writing. The reason, this new integrated thematic book first written in Indonesia, especially by the Government.

"So it needs to be done and the pengulasan repeatedly. When this script came into the team completes writing has entered the seventh, "said Musliar in Jakarta, Wednesday (3/4/2013).

"May the seventh script writing will result in a book that we expect," said Musliar.

Writing curriculum, he said, involves a lot of writers from various backgrounds the indeed experts and of course don't miss the teachers. The author originally wrote separately and then put together a new and then sent to the reviewers.

"After a review, the manuscript is returned to the author for fixed," explains Musliar.

"Later when it's review, corrected and then reviewed in stages of editing. After that, enhanced, "he said.

Pascatahap consummation, the paper will be printed and then read by the reviewers and people who have the capacity to be able to provide feedback on the book.

"This process will pass all and hope it can be finished according to target on April 20," he said.



Disdik JAWA Monitor Goes To "Try Out" The National Exam

disdik-dki-monitor-try-out-un-620X310 .jpg "width = 627 > Akuntono Jakarta Education Office Head Taufik Yudi Hai when reviewing trial went on national examination (UN) 2013, in SMA Negeri 3 Jakarta, Thursday (4/4/2013).

JAKARTA, — Government of DKI Jakarta with the maximum target in the graduation of students on national examination (UN) 2013. As its efforts, education service Jakarta continues to control the process of the preparation of a trial (try out) the UN to prepare psychologically.

Thursday (4/4/2013) morning, Jakarta Education Office Head Taufik Yudi Hai review process try out UN in SMA Negeri 3 Jakarta. Taufik comes with Secretarial staff of the Division of Bank DKI Zulfarshah and accompanied the head of SMA Negeri 4 Surana.

Upon arrival at the location, Taufik directly try out UN review of beyond the classroom. Occasionally he looked was peering from a window or a peek of a crack the door to ensure the smooth operations of the try out. He was reluctant to go into the classroom for fear it will disrupt the concentration of students who are working on problems such as The United Kingdom.

Taufik said, by following the try out, it wants to help students cultivate a sense of anxiety into positive energy. Though not with the target boasted a 100 percent graduation, he's optimistic all students will work hard to pass the UN with satisfactory grades.

"Our hell Nah matok graduated 100 percent, but I'm sure all the students will want to pass. Thus, we prepare them through a trial like this, "said Taufik after reviewing the passage of try out SMA Negeri 4 in Central Jakarta.

Jakarta Education Office is ready to roll out the UN for high school students/MA and CMS. Throughout the DKI, 127.000 student participants of the UN from 996 schools in five areas of the capital, i.e. 499 580 high school and CMS. In the past year, the rate of graduation for HIGH SCHOOL/MA reach 99,65% or as many as 54.276 students were graduated from the number of participants as much as 54.466 students.

While the rate of graduation of SMK 99,92% reach or as many as 64.936 students were graduated from the number of participants as many as 64.986 students. The Ministry of education and culture has officially released the schedule through 2013 official UN Agency for research and development (Balitbang) Kemendikbud. Based on standard operating Procedures (POS), UN for high school level/MA will be held on 15-18 April. To the extent YOUR CMS and SMALB, the UN will be held on 15-17 April.



Sabtu, 06 April 2013

Four EACH in Bandung to prepare 40,000 Seats

BANDUNG, — Four universities in Bandung, Padjadjaran University (UNPAD), Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB), Indonesia University of Education (UPI), and the Islamic University (UIN) Sunan Gunung Djati ready to receive 40,000 students through exam Selections Along State College (SBMPTN) in 2013.

It was disclosed by Executive Secretary I of the Local Organizing Committee (Panlok) Bandung Asep SBMPTN Gana Suganda in time socializing in the building led to The Padjadjaran University Bandung, Measuring Dipati Thursday (4/4/2013). "To quotas, Panlok Bandung provides 40,000 seats for a four-STATE," said Asep is found after the socialization.

Described the Asep, 40,000 seats divided in three categories this year choices tailored to the study group in College, that 14,500 seats for groups Saintek (IPA), 15,000 for Humanities social groups (IPS), and 10,500 seats for mixed groups (IPC).

For registration of participants SBMPTN Bandung, exam candidates can begin registering as of 13 May to 7 June 2013 through the online registration on the site  In the meantime, the selection for the test will be performed synchronously for two days on September 18 to 19 June 2013.

Asep, explained there was little change in the selection SBMPTN this year. If the selection year Selection named National College (SNPMTN) with only two options progam of study (Prodi) for one group exam. This year, SBMPTN gives the opportunity to the participants selection choose three prodi in one test group.

"ELECTIVE TEACHERS at is still there but only for the invitation. This year's exam for the group name also changed, there are Saintek, Soshum, and mixed, the bottom line is the same as NATURAL SCIENCE, SOCIAL SCIENCE, and mix. Just this year more adjusted to college groups. If used with the dicocokan group in the school, "urainya.



The Hundreds Of Thousands Students Olympic Selection Science Follow Indonesia

As many as 310,000 students in elementary, junior high, and high school best all around Indonesia to follow Science Olympiad level kabupaten/kota on 2-4 April 2013. Each school is represented by three students to each field of race science.

Science Olympiad level district/city competing nine majors, including mathematics, physics, chemistry, biology, computer science, astronomy, economics, geography, plus one new field that is geography.

Kasubdit institutional and Learner Directorate SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL, Suharlan, in Jakarta, Thursday (4/4/2013), said the participants who qualified for selection at the kabupaten/kota level will follow the provincial level science olympiads are held simultaneously in 32 provinces on 3-4 June 2013.

The champion in each province would compete in National Science Olympiad event akbar (OSN) that will be held in Bandung, 2-8 September 2013. Medalists at the OSN 2013 will be selected through the gradual construction to represent Indonesia in the International Science Olympiad 2014.

Director of Coaching HIGH SCHOOL Harris Iskandar explains, OSN became one of the programs in order to facilitate and motivate students who have talents in the fields of science, so students can improve their capabilities in accordance with science.

With the implementation of the start of the Olympic Games the kabupaten/kota level are then persisted on the OSN, reflect the selection process and the mechanism for this is already well underway.



Want To Watch How Successful UN-AMERICAN ...

UN grille that is making it easier when answering a question on the actual exam.

"A lot of the media, to pass a collection of practice questions or passing portal that offers exercise question UN or from bimbel can also," said Saufi.

"Most importantly, choose a collection matter or the appropriate portal lattice UN official and can be used to measure the ability of the answer to question," he added.

He explained that many do exercises that test proved to be bemused by the question was able to improve the bridge of memory in the brain. That is to say, the more often a student practicing a matter of UN, the memories about the question of the UN and how to answer them, as well as how to analyze faults will be formed.

Not only that, the question of training is also beneficial for teachers. The reason, teachers can map the value students and focus on students who are still left behind.

Practice questions can also be used to predict the rate of graduation of a school, evaluating teaching and learning activities (KBM), create new learning strategies for students, and can be used to predict the ability of the parents of the child.



Kemenkeu Requested Budget Curriculum Starting 2013

Alliance-the revolution-education-decline-curriculum-620X310 .jpg "width = 627 > Afifah Action reject curriculum 2013 made Alliance education revolution in front of the gate of the Ministry of culture and education, on Wednesday (27/3/2013).

JAKARTA, — The Coalition education revolution which is a combination of the Indonesia Corruption Watch (ICW) and some forum master to refuse Curriculum 2013 do not know. This time, the Coalition went to the Ministry of Finance to request that the Ministry rejected the budget 2013 Curriculum.

ICW researcher, Siti Juliantari Rachman, saying that the process of preparing a new curriculum that will be implemented in next July is prone to dikorupsi. According to him, this is tecermin from rising significantly budget the Government only in a short time.

"The first Budget announced $ 684 billion, then rose to Rp 1.4 trillion, so and so of 2.49 trillion Rupiah," said dance in front of the building Kemenkeu, Jakarta, Thursday (4/4/2013).

He explained that the current budget of the curriculum that has been passed in 2013 STATE BUDGET only amounted to Rp 684 billion, whereas it takes $ 2.49 trillion. Try this budget shortfall is covered by the Government with the special allocation fund and using the budget attached to the other activities that are in line with the curriculum.

"For the use of the budget attached to this right there should be a House approval if the budget is there eye turns," explained the dance.

"We cannot stay silent ... what we did today is a symbol of society's demand for budget curriculum can be rejected by the Ministry of finance," he said.



Post Complaints UN Kemdikbud Opened April 13,

opening-try-out-un-620X310 .jpg "width = 630/Indra Akuntono > Heads Jakarta Education Office Taufik Yudi Hai while opening the National Exams try out activities at SMAN 19 Jakarta, Downstream of the dam, Central Jakarta, Tuesday (3/4/2013). Try out this will be followed in unison by all the high school students of SMK Negeri/se-Jakarta.

JAKARTA, -Ministry of education and culture set up post public complaints related to the implementation of national examination (UN) 2013. Post complaints that began operation on April 13, or the H-2 stroke implementation of UN SMA/SMK/MA.

The head of the Agency's research and development Kemdikbud Khairil Anwar Notodiputro said that post this complaint will be opened in four points. Four of the complaints were the point of the post in the center of information and public relations, General Inspectorate, Balitbang and on the Board of education standards.

"This post will serve the Four questions and complaints related to the UN," said Khairil in Jakarta, Wednesday (3/4/2013).

It also ensures that the officer who later will connect directly with the public via post complaint is ready to serve. Over the past few days, the officers received a supply of the authorities.

"There are enough differences between the UN this year with the previous year. So important is this supply, "explained Khairil.

Later, post this complaint will be open on weekdays from 07.00-16.00 GMT. The public can come directly to the Kemdikbud the post complaints to convey the aspirations or the complaint. In addition, it can also be via phone, email or SMS will be announced in the near future.



Jumat, 05 April 2013

The budget 2013 Curriculum is still Problematic

This difference, we need certainty which records actually will be used as a reference for curriculum development budget 2013? "said Raihan.

"But we just wait the result of the consultation with relevant 278 COMMENTS Kemdikbud the pattern of this budget. The result will be we covered back in meeting the Panja and Raker, "he asserts.



The UI is A Puppet on campus

puppet-skin-in-paris-p .gif "width = 310 > illustration: wayang kulit Performance with mastermind Purbo Asmoro in Paris lasted for 4 days at the Thtre de Soleil-Cartoucherie.

DEPOK, — On the second day of the puppet Goes To Campus at the University of Indonesia, Depok, Friday (5/4/2013), will perform a range of cultural performances by artists from the community of Javanese literature FIB UI, the UI, and the puppet Community Art Institute Indonesia Surakarta.

The Head Office of the Communications UI Farida Haryoko, says, the puppet is set on the main stage Balairung UI Depok campus.

The event took place at 13: 00-23: 00. The show entitled the concert Puppet Texts, served as Wayang Kulit Purwa, Panembrama KMSJ FIBUI, Dance, and Flash Mob Student KMSJ FIBUI.

After that, a series of Puppet Goes To Campus are closed with the show "Wayang Kulit Purwa Play: Gathotkaca Born" with Ancient Asmoro, Ki dalang SKar, M Hum as well as delivery of the puppet characters to Gathotkaca a UI Rector Prof. Pjs Djoko Santoso.

Puppet Goes To Campus is made up of cooperation through the Puppet Community UI UI, UI Iluni, the Directorate General of higher education of the Ministry of education and culture of Indonesia and Indonesia Surakarta Institute of the arts.

Puppet Goes To Campus has been held 13 times as much as an attempt to preserve and draw closer to the art of puppetry in the midst of students or the general public.



It's time to design and Create his own Robots

Robotic education SARI (Solution to Artificial Intelligence Robot) held a training course for teachers of programming and Robotic competition School Cup 2013 for SD-HIGH SCHOOL students, 2-7 April 2013 at the Atrium Mall Alam Sutera, Tangerang, Banten.

According to the Academic Coordinator of the SARI John Grace said, it was time older Indonesia is encouraged to design and create his own robots, not just stringing a robot brand products from abroad.

In this competition, participants are requested to make a robot out of recycled materials and or metallic materials. "The most important was the creation in the hands of participants themselves," said John, Wednesday (3/4/2013).

To the participants, John convey things that can be found in the study with a robotic, for example learning about the design of the robot, initiative, self-directed, developing curiosity, positive attitude, concentration on technology, and feeling empathy towards robots.

Executive Director Education Foundation a midshipman of the Sentul, Ling Ling posited, the training is expected to add insight and experience of teachers. "In our school, the subjects Robotics in subjects including intrakurikuler and extracurricular activities. Grade 1 ELEMENTARY SCHOOL was taught to assemble, class 2 SD got light, mechanics and materials material programming robots to grade 3 elementary to junior high, "said Ling Ling.

Aris, one of the teachers in the Midshipman of the convey, through training, the teachers received information and latest developments. "First robotics-based such as tamia, now we can give the program so that it can move like our desires. For example, the robot moves on the white or black, "said Aris.

According to Ling Ling, study Robotics interest many children as they can learn and play. "In robotics, students learn math, SCIENCE, and others," said Ling-Ling.

Activity in the Robotic School Cup 2013 consists of 4 types: Robotic Games, Robotic shows, Robotic demos, and Robotic Competition from Korea and Singapore. For the competition of robots in Robotic Games divided into more than five kinds, namely, Building and Construction, a Creative Mechanic Challenge, RC Robot Sumo, Sumo Auto Robots, Maze Solving Robot, Robot, Robot Soccer-Blind Competition, and Fire Fighting Robot Competition.



CHECK OUT the UI is open Registration on May 6

University of Indonesia (UI) back open selection through our lines REFER to the regular undergraduate education level, S1, S1 parallel international class and students or D3. For those who are interested in studying in the UI via this pathway can begin enrolling on May 6.

CHECK OUT the UI is provided for students who pass the national examination (UN) or package C or the IB Diploma. Later, the registrant can choose several educational programs at once with just one exam.

Terms of election course i.e. a maximum of three options for regular Undergraduate, maximum three choices for maximum Degree parallel and three options for D3. However, the total maximum choice if takes three educational programs while only eight courses instead of the nine options.

While for those who like to follow CHECK OUT Undergraduate level Classes, International applicants must make two registration and got two registration number as well as two card test. To schedule the test, for those who take regular Undergraduate level/parallel/Undergraduate Students (D3), will be held on June 30, and was announced on 19 July.

While the Degree of international class, the test will be held on June 23 and was announced in conjunction with the regular Undergraduate level. More Info may visit the site directly refer. ui. AC.ID.



Kemdikbud Open The Posko UN

-Ministry of education and culture (Kemendikbud) began to open the Posko national examination (UN) on 13 April. This UN post for inquiries, complaints, suggestions, and the implementation of related UN aspiration.

"There are four command post UN prepared, namely Posko UN Information Center and public relations Agency, education standards, the Inspectorate-General, as well as research and Development Agency," said the head of research and Development Agency (Balitbang) Kemdikbud, Khairil Anwar Notodiputro, Wednesday (3/4/2013) in Jakarta.

Implementation of the UN year of 2012/2013 lesson starts with the implementation of the UN on secondary HIGH SCHOOL/SMK/MA/SLB that began April 15, 2013.

Posko UN PIH opened from 07.00 to 16.00 pm. The public can ask or convey the aspirations of the UN through various media such as telephone, text message or SMS, email, or come directly to the command post.

"The phone number and email posko UN will be announced in the near future," said the head of information and public relations Kemendikbud, Ibn Hamad.



Tens Of Thousands Of HIGH SCHOOL Students/SMK Jakarta UN Free Trial

another. Every HIGH SCHOOL student and CMS will receive the personal money of $ 240,000 per month.

Jakarta Education Office head Taufik Yudi Multyanto welcomed the UN test event held in Bank DKI. "Try out this very beneficial for students to deal with the UN," said Taufik.



Minimal, PTN/PTS Participated In Institutional Accreditation

PT Mansyur Ramly) in Jakarta, Friday (5/4/2013).

By 2013 it issued the accreditation results 30 universities and private, with the majority of the accreditation results b. as for accreditation with only earned eight PTN/PTS, like Muhammadiyah University of Yogyakarta, Universitas Islam Indonesia, Institut Teknologi Bandung, Bogor agricultural University, Gadjah Mada University, University of Indonesia, Muhammadiyah University of Malang Hassanuddin University, and Makassar.

"The results of accreditation of institutions by 2013 is generally a reakreditasi or asking the accredited again. That has been a new accreditation range 70 institutions, "said Mansyur.

As for this year, the Government provided a quota of about 30 institutions. If there are extra, can be raised to 100 institutions. However, to date the proposed nine new institution.

"Ideally in 2-3 this year, the accreditation of institutions and programs of study can be sorted out. But, BAN-PT cannot serve requests for accreditation immediately because the budgets of Kemendikbud is very limited, not in accordance with the submitted application, "said Mansyur.

If referring to Act No. 12/2012 About higher education, said Mansyur, accredited institution as important as the accreditation course. For if the two accreditation is not filled with colleges, diploma graduates were declared illegal.

"This BAN-PT Budget of Kemendikbud. Allocated to date is still limited. In fact, until this April because there is no accreditation activities the Fund hasn't come down. It seems a matter of accreditation is not a priority, when urged to guarantee the quality and legality of diplomas. So also no lawsuits against public universities, "said Mansyur.

As for the BAN-PT budget included in the Agency's budget allocation of research and development (Balitbang) Kemendikdub. Khairil Anwar Kemendikbud Balitbang head Notodipuro says, budgeting has prepared appropriate planning.




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