
Sabtu, 06 April 2013

Four EACH in Bandung to prepare 40,000 Seats

BANDUNG, — Four universities in Bandung, Padjadjaran University (UNPAD), Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB), Indonesia University of Education (UPI), and the Islamic University (UIN) Sunan Gunung Djati ready to receive 40,000 students through exam Selections Along State College (SBMPTN) in 2013.

It was disclosed by Executive Secretary I of the Local Organizing Committee (Panlok) Bandung Asep SBMPTN Gana Suganda in time socializing in the building led to The Padjadjaran University Bandung, Measuring Dipati Thursday (4/4/2013). "To quotas, Panlok Bandung provides 40,000 seats for a four-STATE," said Asep is found after the socialization.

Described the Asep, 40,000 seats divided in three categories this year choices tailored to the study group in College, that 14,500 seats for groups Saintek (IPA), 15,000 for Humanities social groups (IPS), and 10,500 seats for mixed groups (IPC).

For registration of participants SBMPTN Bandung, exam candidates can begin registering as of 13 May to 7 June 2013 through the online registration on the site  In the meantime, the selection for the test will be performed synchronously for two days on September 18 to 19 June 2013.

Asep, explained there was little change in the selection SBMPTN this year. If the selection year Selection named National College (SNPMTN) with only two options progam of study (Prodi) for one group exam. This year, SBMPTN gives the opportunity to the participants selection choose three prodi in one test group.

"ELECTIVE TEACHERS at is still there but only for the invitation. This year's exam for the group name also changed, there are Saintek, Soshum, and mixed, the bottom line is the same as NATURAL SCIENCE, SOCIAL SCIENCE, and mix. Just this year more adjusted to college groups. If used with the dicocokan group in the school, "urainya.



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