
Rabu, 27 Februari 2013

The Academy Has Initiated Community

The 56th Academy community has a legal basis in Act No. 12/2012 About higher education is not new at all. During this time, hundreds of CMS in Indonesia and College has organized one year on secondary education sustainable diploma one.

Gatot Priowirjanto Day, Chairman of the team of experts of the Academy community (AK), in Jakarta, Tuesday (26/2/2013) explained, holding an AK in Indonesia have been pioneered through sustainable education Commissioner (PVB).  There are 300 CMS which becomes subkampus and 14 College organizers PVB.

"The Community Academy will be developed throughout the area, can also be of PVB. Is currently being prepared and regulations the Minister of PP reserved for AK, "said Gatot.

Gatot exemplifies the D1 at the faculty level, PVB fine arts and design (FsRD) Institute of technology Bandung, education is not entirely on campus. Students graduate SMA/SMK/MA study at College for two months. Furthermore the student internship in the company while still making the reports online. "In fact, the students also practice directly to entrepreneurship," said Gatot.

According to Gatot, organizing to improve student education AK at the level of secondary education to higher education. By AK, Indonesia community have the opportunity to access higher education.

Shilmawati, Coordinator of the PVB — 57 Jakarta says, PVB at this school offers the diploma program 1 and 4 for hospitality, cookery, F B service, as well as & MICE. SMK N 57 Jakarta became one of the subkampus high school Pariwiata Sahid. "The presence of PVB in Jakarta made pupils — 57 we can continuing education to the level of a diploma. Alumni can improve his education while working, "said Shilmawati.

Alumni of the school have access to work in a variety of hotels in Malaysia and the Middle East.  Alumni who work this can undergo education PVB with distance education.   Government policy is to multiply the AK in various areas, especially in pockets of industry, also highlighted sharp by organizers of a private college (PTS).

In organizing the National Congress III an Association governing body PTS Indonesia (ABPTSI) in Jakarta, the Government was asked to pay attention to the existence of the PTS is also up to the corners of the region. "We ask that the Government does not set up the AK on a place where private sector or INSTITUTION is already a lot of hosts-based education Commissioner. If this is done, sooner or later the Government will threaten the existence and power of living APART, "said Thomas Suyatno, Chairman ABPTSI.

AK is a college-level diploma education one year held one and two diploma or in one or several branches of science and technology-based or specific local advantages or to meet special needs.



1.712 Siswa SMA/MAN Sarolangun Ikuti UN

AppId is over the quota
AppId is over the quota
Ujian Nasional (UN) tingkat SMA/MAN di Kabupaten Sarolangun, Jambi, akan diikuti sebanyak 1.712 siswa, mereka kini terus mempersiapkan diri.

Menurut Kepala Dinas Pendidikan (Disdik) Kabupaten Sarolangun Lukman, Minggu, saat ini pihaknya terus melakukan berbagai persiapan guna menghadapi pelaksanaan UN SMA sederajat 2013, yang rencananya berlangsung pada 15-18 April mendatang.

Dinas Pendidikan Sarolangun, katanya, telah menginstruksikan sekolah-sekolah untuk rutin menggenjot kemampuan siswa dalam bentuk pendalaman pembelajaran, les maupun jam pelajaran tambahan.

Meski begitu, Lukman mengingatkan agar para siswa tidak terbebani serta tetap memanfaatkan waktu luang guna beristirahat maupun melakukan aktivitas ekstrakurikuler lainnya.

"Pada akhir Februari memasuki tahapan persiapan khusus untuk pendataan peserta. UN tahun ini memang sedikit berbeda namun asalkan fokus belajar dan terus disosialisasikan, sebenarnya tak ada hambatan," kata Lukman, Minggu (24/2/2013).

Lukman menyatakan pihaknya juga terus melakukan pemantauan ke sekolah-sekolah serta meminta pihak sekolah menyiapkan jadwal untuk pelaksanaan tryout massal bagi pelajar SMA sebelum mengikuti UN.



So Far, The Preparation Of The Curriculum Are Claimed On The Track

So far, the preparations for the implementation of the new curriculum is assessed is going according to plan. It is mentioned by the head of the Unit (UIK) Curriculum Implementation, Tjipto Sumadi, based on existing monitoring carried out to date against the curriculum support facilities, namely books and teacher preparation.

"If talk preparation, so far on the track," said Tjipto in Surabaya on Sunday (24/2/2013).

UIK formed by the Ministry of education and culture to ensure the continuity of the new curricula both in the preparation and implementation. The main task is to conduct coordination implementation UIK curriculum throughout Indonesia. For monitoring the preparation of teachers, working with UIK LPMP that exist in these areas.

In addition to monitoring, was also responsible for executing UIK evaluation of the new curriculum includes material that is taught. Even for the book, his will be done at the end of the year and revised if there is less in the textbook and the teacher's students.

"The evaluation will be conducted entirely in each moment," he added.

Education and Culture Minister, Mohammad Nuh, also added that the task of monitoring and UIK is doing the mentoring throughout the year against teachers who had been carrying out training. UIK also did book procurement monitoring on this first stage.

"UIK also did Later monitoring the overall evaluations from both the book and the teacher," said Noah.



Selasa, 26 Februari 2013

Safe School/Madrasah Continue To Be Developed

The application of school/madrasa safe from disaster, clean and healthy, green, energy efficiency, inclusion and child friendly as the mainstreaming disaster risk reduction strategies, continue to be developed extensively in the world of education.

To that end, on Monday (25/2/2013), as many as 150 people are teachers, students, principals, students, academics and practitioners follow the international seminar organized post-graduate University of education Indonesia (UPI) Bandung. The Seminar was organized in cooperation with Family Associations Concerned education, School safety, National Secretariat and partner ministries/other related institutions.

The activities also jazzed up with an exhibition of photos, essays, and articles by children and good practices the application of school/madrasa safe from disaster, is integrated with the application of models of child-friendly School which has developed in Indonesia.

Yanti Sriyulianti of Seknas School safely, say, in the event, handed over a certificate of appreciation to the Secretary of the Department of education of the city of Bandung, Bandung, head of SMP 11 learners and teachers, for the support and partnership of the typical Student Movement Coalesced in institutionalization to school safely.



Book for 3 Subjects completely revamped HIGH SCHOOL Total

If on secondary elementary school Government replace all textbooks that will be used on the new curriculum, then for the high school level, the Government will replace the books to ensure three subjects admits new curriculum implementation in mid-July. These three subjects that is Indonesian Language, math and history.

Education and Culture Minister, Mohammad Nuh, said that changes in the textbooks for three subjects at the HIGH SCHOOL level, it was chosen because of the associated national material. In the meantime, for other subjects, books for other subjects will not be replaced entirely as the material will not change much.

"It's taken three it's because learning material in high school has not changed much. Just a matter of addition so peminatan only, "said Noah in Surabaya on Sunday (24/2/2013).

Noah asked that various parties need not worry of procurement-related books. The Ministry has calculated with good books that must be prepared for a variety of levels on the implementation of the new curriculum in the future.

"The focus will be on the level of Elementary Schools because it now integrative thematic," explained Noah.

For class I, it provides eight SD theme book to be reproduced. While for the class IV elementary, books prepared consists of nine themes. The books do not include religious books that are also required to have students. The plan of the Ministry will print six books the religion of Islam, Catholic, Christian, Hindu, Buddhist and Confucian.

"It will be copied so tens of millions of copies of these books. The source of their funds from the STATE BUDGET as well as DAK the region, "he asserts.

Earlier, Indonesia Corruption Watch (ICW) had highlighted the problems of procurement of new books for the HIGH SCHOOL level, only for three subjects only. But the new curriculum would already be implemented in next July.



Scientific publications and short term Solutions

Due to suboptimal Circulars No. 152/Ditjen higher education E/T/2012 which require doctors to publish scientific papers, this year's obligations will be tightened.

The strategy taken Directorate General of higher education (Ditjen higher education) is also interesting technically. In order to improve the quality of scientific journals in Indonesia, last January, higher education — along with research institutions and community development ITB — launched the Citations Index Indonesia. Looking ahead, it is expected that page could be a database of abstracts and citations in national scale.

Build networks capable of accommodating scientific publications lecturer and researcher in the country that is certainly good measures dispersal. However, at the same time, as editor of the scientific journal national implementers, I feel myself how to write scientific culture — literature review supported the serious, robust data, and analysis that is able to uncover how findings will be of benefit to a wider public — very rare.

Higher education and ITB as Ditjen executor takes steps using progressive technical development of information technology to address the lack of scientific publications in the country. But, if the scientific publications that rare quality, whether the increasing number of citations the articles will result in improved quality of keilmuannya?

Rather than exposing the structural problems of the normative basis, I would like to convey that the lack of scientific publications it is negligence. Structural problems with reflective explained by teachers at the University of Indonesia (build on top of the ruins of integrity, 2012).

The problems at higher education system in the country has also become a discussion since the 1990s. this problem more complex around the year 2000s. With State-owned legal entity status, where campus autonomy in terms of finance was not correlated with improved quality of education.

Speaking in the context of universities (PTN) where I work, many professors who did not had time to write and work as charged six courses (18 CREDITS) per semester (equivalent to 30-35 hours of work per week) outside the structural position (equivalent to the position of Manager of the company, as well as 30-35 hours per week). This is due to changes in the status of the PTN has implications for the financial system that undermines the Department's leaders are projecting how many new professors need to be recruited to tackle inequality ratios lecturer-student.

Therefore, the measures taken are short-term solutions that are very pragmatic. Sebutlah granting excessive workload or deliver courses is not appropriate due to the lack of expertise of professors anyway.

About academic quality improvement, higher education strives to develop the capacity of actually being a lecturer by giving Doctoral Scholarship for a study abroad. However, due to structural problems of yesteryear have yet to overcome, when it returned to the motherland again given their lecturers teaching loads are heavy, which made it more difficult for them to work.

There is no increase in the number of scientific papers since these scholarships available because of the lack of teaching resource problems have not been resolved. No wonder that Indonesia lagged far compared to countries in the same regional (Evers, 2003). As an illustration, Singapore has 94 international journals and has 45 International Journal of Malaysia, while Indonesia only has 12 international journals.

Think of a solution

Taking into account the realities of structural barriers, then higher education initiatives through the Citations Index Indonesia will not be fruitful. So did the steps of higher education doctoral scholarships specifically for limiting a course to produce publications in international journals. The problem, every program of study is not able to establish a healthy academic environment that inhibits the development of the capacity of researchers and professors.

Therefore, if the objective, to improve the quality of research and scientific publications, the first to be done not just spawn a policy from above, but also the identification of the problem below: understanding the roots of the reality of the everyday life of teachers.

As an illustration, there is one international journal — obscure reviewers and its origin — who offered a lecturer "developing countries" to republish the work at a cost of 1,000 US dollars by sending electronic mail simultaneously. Laissez-faire solutions of this kind arise because certain parties identified the existence of a "request" that are not coupled capabilities of the parties involved to fulfill them. If higher education could not immediately fill the vacuum of space, this is the kind of solution that is likely to be taken, as do so many other sectors in our country.

Therefore, the first to do is to provide training to teaching staff to build a culture of academic writing. However, as the senior researcher of the Interior which has a recognized publication international colleagues is very rare, will be less effective if the training is run by in-house at each University. Consequently, this training should involve academics Indonesia was also a clerk in a number of educational institutions in countries such as Australia, the Netherlands, and Japan, which has a strong research base of Indonesia.

Scheme for Academic Mobility programs in 2013 (SAME) that fund the cooperation between educational institutions in and outside the country can accommodate this kind of training. So, for that matter can be realized training and funds already allocated higher education. The thing is, whether any parties involved are able to independently of network to be part of the solution.

Inaya Rakhmani Teachers and Doctoral Candidate UI Asia Research Center, Murdoch University



The distribution of the book should be up to the school

Book procurement conducted by the Ministry of education and culture in the framework of this new curriculum is monitored directly by the Implementation of the curriculum Unit (UIK) in order to directly in schools that implemented the new curriculum in the first stage. Education and Culture Minister, Mohammad Nuh, said that ensuring distribution to UIK throughout the school.

UIK, he continued, is in charge of organizing, managing, and distributes the books to the school. So the new curriculum books for both students and teachers are not sent through the district/city but rather directly to target schools.

"There is no story just to Kabupaten/Kota. Should be directly to the school, "said Noah in Surabaya on Sunday (24/2/2013).

Delivery directly to the school, he said, was aimed at ensuring these books remain and there is no accusation of Kabupaten/Kota to schools or teachers who need books in this new curriculum. Because, sometimes there are persons who utilize state if only books sent to district/city.

"Often when events arrive at Kabupaten/Kota and schools willing to grab it free of charge. Postage or other expenses which the adjustment range from Rp 100,000 to Rp 500,000, "explained Noah.

"So there is not that kind of practice, we will send directly to the school and will monitor its distribution UIK," he asserts.



Only 1 of 8 father who Read Books to children

father-read-books-stories for children-620X310 .jpg "width = 630 > doc.BBC Indonesia Father holds an important role in helping children's interest in reading. author James Patterson is joined by the Duchess of Cornwall in the launch of a campaign encouraging more fathers read books to their children. Because, a poll done reading Foundation revealed that only one Booktrust from eight fathers who want to read the book to his son.

"If I can help other fathers to understand their role in making the book and read the more important in the lives of children, I will be a happy man," said Patterson.

Reading, he added could "open up a whole world of possibilities for their children".

"I believe that Dad has a big role to encourage their children to read," he said when launching the campaign read father named Booktrust's Get Dads Reading, at a library in London.

Patterson himself admitted to start writing children's books since 2005, driven by the desire to create his own son interested in reading.

U.S. writer who his book many borrowed at the library in the United Kingdom is famous for a number of his writings such as the story of detective Alex Cross. Other works are the series Maximum Ride and Daniel X became a bestselling book and liked by children as well as adults. His latest book with a story about a teenager in high school will be released next month in the us.

"This is not about reading Charles Dickens or Shakespeare, but learn to read with confidence – if you can do that then it can help you in school, College and jobs," he said.

"America is in the front in making children want to read, lagging behind the United Kingdom United-there is something wrong here," he added later.

' The role of women '

Patterson award-winning author of children's books in 2010, has sold about 260 million copies of his books worldwide. The novelist was 65 years is also making a site for ReadKiddoRead helps dad looking for books that are interesting to read to his son.

Booktrust poll revealed that only 13% of the United Kingdom's father wants to read books to their children. A quarter of respondents work rush make reasoned they couldn't read books to their children.

Other studies conducted educational institutions called much dad who looked at reading the book is the role of a female.

"The most important thing for a father to understand that if the children saw their father read, they look more to enjoy themselves," said Viv Bird, Chief Executive of Booktrust.

"There is evidence that boys are lagging far behind girls in reading-and this is important to emphasize that father to be a role model for young men including their daughters while reading, '' adds Viv Bird.



Tiap Pekan ke Daerah Demi Kurikulum Baru

AppId is over the quota
The Ministry of education and culture will continue to implement the new curriculum-related socialization to teacher training starting later. One of the locations that will be the target of socialization is the region of eastern Indonesia, especially in Papua.

Education and Culture Minister, Mohammad Nuh, said that it will be increasingly vigorous conduct of the curriculum is socialization. Almost every weekend, Ministry officials go to certain areas to provide an explanation of this new curriculum.

"We will do it all. Every weekend we go to different areas. For example today, not just me. Wamen also to Palangkaraya for socialization, "said Noah after the Dissemination of the curriculum at IKIP PGRI, Semarang, Saturday (23/2/2013).

The Ministry was also assisted by the LPMP is in the region to conduct socialization. Furthermore, the local education Office also invited invited to cooperate and join the new curriculum provides information related on teachers in their respective areas.

"There will be no outdated information. We will work hard for this curriculum socialised. Guinea will also become one of the goals, "he said.

As is known, a number of existing schools in the city of Jayapura demanded the Government to take a new curriculum that will be socialization applied in mid-July. A number of the school claims to be ready to run the new curriculum is just that socializing is done should be done in the near future.



4 Study Scholarships to the Netherlands, Please Choose ...

goals for further study in the land of Windmills that can be obtained by following a number of scholarship programs offered by either the Government or the Nuffic Neso Indonesia Netherlands together universities in the Netherlands.

If you are interested in further study in the Netherlands, then at least there is still the opportunity to grab the four study scholarships to the Netherlands. What's it?

1. StuNed Scholarships
Cooperation scholarship between the Government and the Government of Indonesia Netherlands offers scholarships for S-2 level, short course, or special training for specific groups or tailor-made Training. Every year, according to the Nuffic Neso, there are 200-250 students of Indonesia who set out with this scholarship since its launch in 2000.

StuNed scholarships registration for academic year 2013 has opened since January 2013. Meanwhile, the deadline ends with a different schedule. Registration for short course program application period of July-December 2013 concluded on March 1, 2013, while the short course program for the period January-June 2014 on October 1, 2013. Application of S-2 program awaited the slowest March 15, 2013.

StuNed scholarships require that the candidates are working and have a minimum of 2 years work experience in the last instance and the United Kingdom are good language ability, evidenced by the IELTS score min 6 or internet-based TOEFL 80.

2. NFP Scholarships
Netherlands Fellowship Scholarship Programme (NFP) are specific for the citizens of developing countries in the world, including Indonesia, to program the S-2, S-3, and short-course. The applicants need to note the following requirements, namely accumulative work experience of at least 3 years.

The first wave of NFP scholarships registration opened on November 30, 2012 has been closed on 5 February. However, the registration of the next wave will be re-opened on March 1, 2013, and closed on May 7, 2013.

3. Scholarship OTS
Orange Tulip scholarship (OTS) is a Nuffic Neso Indonesia collaboration with institutions of higher learning Netherlands and private companies, such as Air France KLM, as well as the Government of Indonesia through the Ministry of education and culture, and the Ministry of communication and Informatics. Currently, there are 40 scholarships for programs Foundation (preparatory), S-1, S-2, with total funding in excess of 400,000 euros or worth Rp 5 billion.

Interested applicants need to register first to a University in the Netherlands. However to register this scholarship, no need to wait until the registrant has a letter of acceptance or letter of acceptance from the University which it is sent. OTS scholarship application will be closed on May 1, 2013.

4. HIGHER EDUCATION Scholarships-PhD Special Channel
Well, a scholarship program which is a cooperation of the Nuffic Neso Indonesia HIGHER EDUCATION and it aims to provide financial assistance for professors, lecturers, candidates and produce educators in the neighborhood Kemdikbud to follow the program of doctoral in Netherlands.

Scholarship registration is open all year by HIGHER EDUCATION. Selection and departure of participants will be conducted three times a year by HIGHER EDUCATION. Specifically for this scholarship, more information can be found via the Nuffic Neso Indonesia's official page.

So, are interested in further study into the Netherlands with the scholarship? Make haste to prepare themselves. However, most importantly, candidates need to make sure his interest in courses that will go.

"To get a scholarship, the first step to do is to define what courses to take, then figure out whether courses of interest are offered in the Netherlands. If it does exist, immediately apply to a University goal because one of the requirements for being included in the scholarship selection process is already accepted at institutions of higher learning in the Netherlands, "said Student Counsellor on the Nuffic Neso Indonesia, Inty Dienasari.



Senin, 25 Februari 2013

Built 113 State Polytechnic

The Ministry of education and culture will build 113 State Polytechnic in parts of Indonesia until 2014. In addition to the new Polytechnic building, some of which change the status of the private Polytechnic became the State Polytechnic.

Education and Culture Minister Mohammad Nuh said, the Polytechnic dinegerikan there are three, namely Polytechnics Banyuwangi in East Java, Madura island in Sampang Polytechnic, the Polytechnic and Sambas in Kalimantan Barat.

"Other Polytechnic will be built gradually," said Mohammad Nuh when inaugurated in Banyuwangi Banyuwangi Polytechnic, Tuesday (23/2).

The construction of this Polytechnic, said Noah, because it needs skilled and educated is expected to continue to increase rapidly until 2030, with the amount of power it takes about 128 million people.

"Therefore, in addition to building the new Polytechnic, vocational secondary schools are also being strengthened," added Noah.

On that occasion, Noah also menyosialisasikan the curriculum and its various policies in 2013, education. Socializing done in Banyuwangi and previously on IKIP PGRI in Semarang which was attended by thousands of teachers.

Directly to the teacher

Noah says, before the money allowances of the profession to teachers who have been transferred to the regional certification to qualify and then forwarded to the teacher. However, the procedure like this in practice many got complaints from teachers because of disbursement is often late and cut with various excuses by bureaucrats in the area.

"In fact, delivery of the funds from the Ministry of finance is always on time, on schedule," said Noah.

Therefore, said Noah, starting 2013, the teaching profession is no longer benefits through the Government district/city, but directly to the teacher.

Concerning the curriculum of 2013, Noah said, did not vary much with the curriculum beforehand, but the burden of teachers and students is reduced. "If students are learning what? So with the new curriculum, the question becomes, what students should be able to after graduation? "says Noah.

Based on that then lessons tailored to their needs. "Teachers are no longer preoccupied with composing learning syllabus, but preparing the subject matter is best for their students," said Noah. (NIT/WHO/LK)



Implementation of the UN and the UNPP together, do not let shallot trade disadvantaged Students

the previous year was held after the UN, either the first or second period the UNPP. First year UNPP perode implemented in conjunction with the UN.

Despite hours of practice do not match, the UN in the morning while the UNPP by day, date and the day of the second test at the same time the implementation of the appropriate level of education, for example UN SMA with the UNPP C equivalent of high school.

The plan, the UN and the UNPP 2013 will be held on 15-18 April 2013 (SMA and package C), UN SMP and package B is equivalent to JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL on 22-25 April 2013, while UN SD and the SD equivalent of A package on 6-8 may 2013.

According to Vice Rector of IKIP PGRI in Semarang I, the UN and the UNPP's implementation on the same date it raises concerns kesemrawutan implementation if not prepared by the Committee are cooked.

"How soon its place, right alike use the school. How HR, is it ready? Principle, the second such exam students have the same rights, there should be no more take precedence, "he said.

Therefore, Ngasbun, who is also Chairman of PGRI Semarang city, ask your local education office as the Managing Committee to prepare for the second test they are cooked so that the rights of underserved students.

Meanwhile, the Secretary of the Committee for the UN and the UNPP Semarang, Sutarto, admitted the execution of the two exams simultaneously at this year's do require more preparation and "extra" compared to the previous year.

"We have divided the task of the Committee with other fields, i.e., non-formal and informal education (PNFI) for the UNPP. While we are from the fields of primary and secondary education with the implementation of the UN, "said Sutarto.

However, the head of the HIGH SCHOOL section of Disdik Semarang, coordination of antarbidang remain fused at the UN Committee Chairman and the UNPP so controlled even though TBS used to involve a lot more personnel.

"In principle, we are working in order that the implementation of the UN and the UNPP can take it either by having thorough preparation. For the implementation of the UNPP C wearing the school building, but the day after the completion of the UN, "he said.

Sutarto explained, the implementation plan uses the UNPP C SMP Negeri 37 and SMP Negeri 37 Semarang, which embraces, while for the UNPP A and B using the Technical Implementing Agency building (UNIT) Sub.



Disdik Collect School Fees Discourage Breeding UN

Office of education (Disdik) in Biak Numfor Regency, Papua, prohibiting schools in the area memunggut the cost of implementation of the national examination (UN) 2012-2013 which took place simultaneously on 15-18 April for ADMIN level.

Head of Department of education of Biak, Drs C Jan Rumkabu be reached at Biak, Friday, says, the cost borne by the Government's National Exam already and sehinggan School District are reminded not to withdraw the exam fee to students as well as the parent concerned.

"There should be no charges in school money actually costs the implementation of the national exam because the exam fee is already borne by the Government," said the head of the Biak, Hendry Disdik Jan Rumkabu, Friday (22/2/2013).

Rumkabu confirms, if there is a school of education unit organizers performs the levy money UN then it can be penalized firmly according to regulations.

He admitted, not entirely justified the existence of punggutan money costs UN done school because it is contrary to the regulation of the Minister of education and culture No. 3 2013 article 26 and 27 on charges of organizing the national exam and the regional government are borne.

Rumkabu, Disdik, and multiply through the ranks will increase supervision and sosialsiasi to education providers so that the unit does not do punggutan UN cost 2012/2013.

"As my education Kadis reiterate if there is money to do school charges students the school with the reason for the cost of the national exam is not very justified because Government funds are already borne by the UN," added Rumkabu.

Based on the schedule of the UN for high school level/SMK/equal lasts 15-18 April, junior level 22-April 25, as well as the level of education ELEMENTARY/Level of Madrasah lasted 6-8 may 2013.



Minggu, 24 Februari 2013

Many CMS that does not Register DEYBAC

Of the 13,000 schools that their students do not register national selection sign in Universities (DEYBAC), the majority of which were Vocational secondary school (SMK) and Madrasa Aaliyah (MA). Chairman of the Executive Committee of ELECTIVE TEACHERS at 2013, Akhmaloka, says that it has not seen details of the cause of the large number of schools that their students did not enter DEYBAC.

But through the Committee's observations, most is CMS and MA are not entered in the database of schools and pupils (PDSS) which is one of the conditions in order that students can take ELECTIVE TEACHERS at.

"Many do not enter that CMS. MA also slightly entered. If for HIGH SCHOOL already 70 percent are registered, "said Akhmaloka to the



Kempton Asked For New Curriculum Socialized

an, i.e. Curriculum 1964, 1976, 1984 Curriculum Curriculum, curriculum, curriculum of 1994 revised edition 1999, competency-based Curriculum (KBK) 2004, and unit level Educational Curriculum (KTSP) 2006.



Continue Implementation Of Udayana University Single Tuition

dissemination event-stream prospective candidates, the Rector of Udayana University in Denpasar, Friday (22/2/2013).

He delivered, the application of the single payment of tuition fees in accordance with the rules of the Directorate General of higher education (higher education) and later they would make standard what is the cost of that student.

"If it turns out the cost that we set the standards of higher education, the more we will lose. But, if it is less, will be given by higher education subsidies, "he said.

According to him, with a single tuition system, precisely because it will relieve students of the institution's development contribution (SPI), which had to be paid at the beginning of the lecture, to be able to dicicil some semester along with donations of coaching education (SPP) and the payment of semester credit money system (SKS).

"For example, in the Faculty of medicine, originally had to pay Rp 25 million SPI at the beginning, but now divided into several semester," he said.

Udayana University, it is clear he has enacted a single tuition policy (UKT) for the past year and in principle seems no rejection from the students. "At first it had no resistance, but not after we held a briefing," he said.

He said, behold, there was no significant increase with the enactment of the UKT. Previously, the tuition fee hikes occurred briefly between 8-24 percent. However, for the upcoming freshmen, it's likely no longer rise.



Lecturer PTN Entangled So UN Watchdog

character education, including supervisor of schools in Yogyakarta, "he said.

While the enactment of the exam system at the same time, he said, according to the standard operational procedure (SOP) the UN issued by Ministry of education to provide equal opportunity for all students to continue on to College.



The E-book what is Sold in the market

Writing a book is not something easy, let alone make the book a bestseller is sweet sold in the market. During these, the book of fiction such as a novel or a comic who managed to scoop up the most sales for the print version of the book. Then what about the digital book or e-book that is slowly starting to shift the printed book?

Head of business development, Maulana, Rizky says that novels and comics are still highly sought after by many people. However for digital books, books that contain ways to obtain something or do something to the category that is also much sought after.

"Generally people that look for the e-book contents tips and tricks such as how to study effectively or how to otherwise," said Scott in a talkshow on e-book publishing and plagiarism in the Library Cafe Bina Nusantara University, Jakarta, Monday (21/2/2013).

Books that expose about these tips, he said, are usually less successful sale in the printed version. However, when used as a digital version, this is precisely the type of book is much sought and got the big advantage compared to other categories of books. To it for academicians who would like to make the e-book, it's good to choose a theme that is not far from it.

"There is a less successful book was printed but even when conduct is thus created an e-book. Why is the book in which more selling tips in e-book version? Because people want to be fast and it can be obtained with the e-book, "explains Scott.

However, do not close the possibility for academics who wish to put out books with other content. Not only that, if indeed there are people who are interested in making e-book just so it can provide the facilities and menjembataninya for content that was already worthy of broadcast.

"Do not have to create a new print version of the book can make an e-book. Create an e-book version of the book directly can also be as long as its content was already certain, we will help you release, "he asserts.



By 2013, Curriculum Teachers increasingly lighter Loads

Deputy Minister of education and culture, the eunuch Musliar, back denied the assertion that the curriculum that will be applied to 2013 in mid-July could potentially add to the burden of future teachers and students. The reason, the load teachers thus makin lightly.

"The teacher thus lightened his load because it is not longer necessary to make the syllabus so that teachers can focus on teaching," said Musliar in Jakarta, Friday (22/2/2013).

He also revealed during a visit to the affected areas, the teachers admit that the syllabus were produced during this is the result of a copy only. The creation of this syllabus has also become a scourge for teachers because they had not been trained to create a syllabus.

"When asked what syllabus for teachers dont, they dont answer and just copy paste aja. In this new curriculum will not exist anymore for the syllabus, "explained Musliar.

Regarding the complaint that the large number of teachers in the new curriculum is not yet ready to run, he asked teachers not to worry because the Ministry of education and culture has prepared a program of training and mentoring for teachers for the new curriculum.

About 676.414 teachers from different levels both Elementary School and high school (HIGH SCHOOL) will get training from 41.741 core teachers previously trained by 2,925 national instructors. This training will take place in parallel from April to June.

From training and mentoring, the expected teachers able to implement thematic studies and contextual integrative. Then was able to build an active learning atmosphere, challenging and enjoyable for the students so that the material provided can be easily absorbed.

"Later there will also be an evaluation for teachers. Which ones are still less will be corrected. So it is not removed for granted, "he said.



In Papua, the ELECTIVE TEACHERS at School 4 Times

In the national selection sign in Universities (DEYBAC), the number of schools to 2013 in Papua which rises as much as fourfold from the previous year. Despite the increase, the amount covers only 30 percent of the total number of existing schools in Papua.

Chairman of the Executive Committee of ELECTIVE TEACHERS at 2013, Akhmaloka, said that the constraints of the facility and the internet networks had complained in Papua successfully resolved so that the number of schools that lists the ELECTIVE TEACHERS at increased almost four fold over the previous year.

"It is for West Papua is nearly four times as much. This is because the Committee did pick up schools that exist, "said Akhmaloka on



Sabtu, 23 Februari 2013

SMK Indonesia in collaboration with Cambodia

smk-collaboration-study-dg-Cambodia-620X310 .jpg "width = 630 > COMPASS/ESTHER LINCE NAPITUPULU teachers SMK Indonesia and Cambodia PTC learn together build a collaboration of education through pemanfaatkan TIK for remote education on the campus of NPIC in Phnom Phenh.

PNOM PENH, Collaboration in education Commissioner Indonesia-Cambodia developed by building a learning community together. Through the utilization of information and communication technology, teachers and students in Indonesia and Cambodia share and build a shared learning materials to increase the appropriate komptensi needs of the industry.

Teamwork CMS Indonesia with numerous provincial training center (PTC) and polytechnics in Cambodia facilitated South-East Asian Ministers of Education Organization Regional Open Learning Center (C/C++). There are three CMS is involved, namely SMK N 57 Jakarta, Denpasar, and SMK N 3 — 5 Banjarmasin.

Gatot Priowirjanto Day, Director of C/C++, Phom Penh, Friday's (22/2/2013), said education Commissioner, collaboration Indonesia-Cambodia is not limited to the exchange of students and teachers. The two countries are invited to create learning materials together through the utilization of information and communication technologies, such as Edmodo, are already prepared C/C++.

In the preparation of the action plan, it was agreed that Indonesia-Cambodia soon to Exchange at least one staff and students from May-December 2013. Indonesia will invite 1-2 PTC staff and students in Cambodia to study at SMK/ITB, inter alia in the field of ICT (information and communication technology), animation, and hospitality.

Shared courses would be developed, including hospitality, electronics, ICT, and electronic, through study groups created on Edmodo.

Compass correspondent Esther Lince Napitupulu Phom Penh, reported from Cambodia, education Commissioner not through secondary education. PTC disipakan Government as a certified course for residents who want to come down in the world of work, through short and long kurusus.

The Queen, head of the SMK N 3 Banjarmasin, hope, cooperation through collaboration study with can run. The utilization of ICT can facilitate the establishment of the exchange of learning materials to improve the quality of Education Commissioner in Indonesia-Cambodia.



UNS Open Notary Public Master's Degree Program

Faculty of law University Eleven Maret (UNS) Solo melaunching notary public master's degree Program will Graduate on Saturday (23/2/2013), tomorrow.

"Although the new upcoming dilaunching on Saturday, but this time notary public master's degree Program a student already owns as much as UNS 77 students," said the head of the Masters Program in the Faculty of law UNS notary public, Burhanuddin Harahap, in Solo, Central Java, Friday (22/2/2013).

He says as many as 77 students, comes from two of the host. The first of as many as 50 students, and both forces by as much as 27 students. Both these forces have already begun to implement a lecture a year ago, or early in 2012.

"When the last lecture is the first and the second, Magister Faculty of law UNS notary public is indeed still in condition of soft launching. New February 2013 then we are launching, "he said.

It is said that notary public master's degree Program Faculty of law UNS is a professional master's degree education strata 2 (S-2). The lectures take place at least four semesters or two years, with a year-long internship comes the obligation on any notary public.

"For students who successfully complete the courses have the right bears the notary public degree (m. Kn). For this program is carried out in a partnership with the University of Indonesia (UI) in Jakarta and the notary's in this city, "he said.

The opening of the notary public master's degree Program in UNS, according to head of the Masters Program in the Faculty of law UNS notary public, because of the many graduates of the Faculty of law, both public and private colleges around Solo, besides law faculty graduates interest against the notary public is also high, then AirAsia opened a notary public master's degree program.

At the same time launching the notary public master's degree Program will also held seminars and workshops, which will take up the theme "implementation of ACT No. 17 of 2012 About making a connection with Perkoperasian Deed".



The number of participants of UN SMA 2013 Bantam Up 15 percent

The number of participants in the national examination (UN) equal HIGH SCHOOL 2013 increased by approximately 15 percent compared to the year 2012. "UN Participant HIGH SCHOOL this year rise over the previous year was between 10 to 15 percent," said the head of the Provincial Education Office in Serang, Banten Hudaya Friday (22/2/2013).

He says, GYMNASIUM and UN equal participants in Banten Province in 2013 increase 8.328 students than the year 2012. The year 2012 and the number of participants reached 108.479 students, UN and UN 2013 participants reached 116.807 students.

Hudaya said, in addition to the increase of participants HIGH SCHOOL 2013, UN conduct UN 2013 also experienced a number of changes.

Which adds to the variation of the problem to avoid cheating or leaks, i.e. prepared 20 packages a different problem, so in one classroom that add up to a maximum of 20 UN students, each student because it varies. "Each student in one room because it is not the same, there could be cheating," he said.

He said other changes, implementation of the UN in April 2013 i.e. schedule formal schooling and examination of UN equality or the test package will be done at the same time. However, the only time that differentiated. Pelaksanaa UN formally carried out early in the morning, while the siangnya continued with the test package.

It will not target graduation at the UN this time, due to its only test. So if there is a worry that there is an attempt to pursue unhealthy graduation targets.

"UN goal this is a test to evaluate students. So this needs to be socialized UN there should not be a target. Students also do not need to worry about facing the UN, but the role of the school continued to prepare mentally for the participants of his protégé to confront it, "said UN Hudaya.

The Secretary of UN Organisers 2013 Banten Province Rudi Darmawan said, participants in the UN HIGH level ADMIN equivalents/SMK/MA 2013 reached 116.807 students.

As many as 44.574 HIGH SCHOOL student participants from 82 schools, participants of UN SMK 57.494 students from 508 school and participants UN MA 14.739 students from 326 schools in Banten. "We've prepared for classroom implementation of 2,558 UN spread over eight districts/cities," said Rudi.



5 Cheap ways of learning foreign languages

learning foreign languages--620X310 .jpg "width = 630 > Shutterstock language learning Abilities are the most basic is a matter of habits that are formed by a little discipline and self-awareness. In the current global era, foreign language ability into something that needs to be owned by young professionals. Many people eventually spend their money by purchasing software and textbooks for learning a foreign language and they indeed achieve the results encouraging.

But actually, no need to have expensive lho foreign language ability is good. With a minimal budget, you could obtain foreign language learning tool with maximum results.

As delivered by Telegraph, Anne Merritt, South Korea's EFL teachers, calling there are five ways to help improve Your foreign language skills. If it is not really free, then at least very cheap. What's it?

1. online newspaper
Foreign language newspapers online is an invaluable asset for anyone who want to learn. The newspaper is always updated, closely related to the culture, and it can help the people who learn of any ability level.

The short text ads and photos is a challenge for novices, including information of the image. Those who already belong to the intermediate ability can benefit from news articles. In the meantime, the learner can read advance class columns and editorials that contains lots of idioms, slang, and written with a certain style.

Follow the news or serialize for a few days or weeks may help you learn vocabulary, Word, or phrase that is often repeated.

2. learning community website
Busuu and Livemocha such site is a good resource for learning foreign languages in a comprehensive manner. Ways of learning to hear and repeat may not always fit in with everyone who wants to learn. However, one source is the best in this kind of sites are forum communities. You can connect with native speakers of foreign languages who do want to learn.

This kind of community is indeed designed to chat or correcting one another in writing or speaking. The site also has a learning model such as "online-dating" which allows those who want to learn to connect with ease.

3. song lyrics
Music is a good vehicle for considering a foreign language. In fact, the process of learning can be just happens, as experienced by the listener of the song "Gangnam Style".

Many of the songs in a foreign language that we want to learn have a learning value. However, the best songs that need to be searched is the classic songs, which is approximately one time with "Fly Me to the Moon" or "Yesterday". A popular song like this is quite related to the language and themes of everyday life. Video with the lyrics of the song can also be found easily on Youtube.

For you who are learning the language Italy, could learn the song "Volare (Nel Blu Dipinto di Blu,)", while if you want to learn a language Germany could listen to the song "Lili Marleen" classic. Another benefit of the classic song is you can often find instructions to learn from the lyrics of his songs online that are designed by teachers.

4. language discussion group
What is this? For you who live in the city, this group can be a good asset to practice Your speaking skills and exchange learning resources with other colleagues. This community involves those who studied directly with native speakers. Facebook and for example.

The ability to speak is one language that is often overlooked when studying on their own. However, this is a very important capability. When you mempraktikkannya on native speakers, he could give important tips on pronunciation and speaking daily.

Sociable be bonus. Friendly relations be a great motivator for the development of foreign language ability.

5. Podcasts
People who are learning a foreign language are usually less able to catch its own naturally when learning to use tape or CD recording. Podcasts into one solution because it can be easily accessible learning tools.

Novices can find podcasts specifically directly corresponds to the language he had learned, such as "Coffee Break Spanish" or "Talk Me in Korean". Meanwhile, those who are already in the advanced classes can download podcasts according the language being studied and also corresponds to their interests or hobbies, such as "Inter's La Marche de l'Histoire", French language podcasts for those who are fond of history.



Dozens Of Students Follow The Robot Contest In Bengkulu

Dozens of students from different levels of education in the province of Bengkulu, Friday following the robot contest held Wisnutama Foundation teamed up with the "Robotic Organizing Committee Indonesia" (ROCI).

Executive Committee Chairman Marsaid said as many as 21 Evin teams from elementary to HIGH SCHOOL level follows the Robot Olympics "competition" with the theme "Three Smart and Green".

"There are 21 teams from 10 schools follow a race divided into two categories," said Evin Marsaid, during the opening ceremony by the Governor of Bengkulu Thys Michels Hamsyah in the Hall of the Environmental Agency (BLH) of Bengkulu province, Friday (22/2/2013).

Two competing categories, i.e. "robot obstacle-maze solving" and the category "imagine" robot. He said before the race participants provided material from robot experts Indonesia Riza Muhadi. Of the 21 teams there are participants from the border with the South Sumatra, Bengkulu namely SMK Binduriang, Rejang Lebong.

In addition to seeds to attract the young, that activity is also to introduce to the students about the positive sciences which can prevent them from negative activities like a brawl and others.

While Governor of Bengkulu Thys Michels Hamsyah says such activity is very positive and need to be supported by all parties. "In addition to the intelligence science, with the theme of ' green ' smart and also trained social, emotional intelligence and ethics," he said.

He was sent to the participants in order to assemble a robot after clever unaffected bad things, such as assembling a bomb. "If the bomb had not assemble a means of social intelligence, especially if the goal for bad things," he said.

According to him, Riza Muhida robot expert who was the son of the original order was made by the illustrious British students in the area. In addition, the Governor expects these activities continue in future to include in the agenda of the formal areas, such as the celebration of the birthday of Bengkulu province.



Jumat, 22 Februari 2013

"The President Is Obligated To Join The Class Of Inspiration"

ceo-kg-great-adiprasetyo-in-class-inspiration-waves-ii-620X310 .jpg "width = 630 > Afifah CEO Compass Gramedia, Agung Adiprasetyo, when sharing experiences with grade II SD Negeri Jakarta's Kuningan Timur 01 on classroom activities Inspiration Wave II, Wednesday (20/2/2013).

JAKARTA, experience teaching in a primary school (elementary school) through the inspiration of the Class held Indonesia Movement Foundation Teaching makes CEO Compass Gramedia, great Adiprasetyo is planning to invite colleagues to participate in similar activities voluntarily.

"I thought it will require leadership of friends to join the Class of inspiration. If the current layer one then it could be later that the second layer third layer then also gained, "said Agung as found in Country Brass 01 East ELEMENTARY SCHOOL, Jakarta, Wednesday (20/2/2013).

According to him, this is in line with the value that is owned by the Gramedia Compass the man's humanity. During this time, he said, translating the value is not an easy one. To that end, activities like these can be one of the solutions to sharpening the awareness.

"With head-on, my friends can know this is reality people are there," said Agung.

He also revealed that with a lot of volunteers who went down follow this inspiration classroom activities will motivate others to participate. In addition, various areas of effort also aims to develop the Kompas Gramedia lives of Nations.

However, he is not thought to make similar activities such as classes of inspiration. "If we dont make yourself have professionalism in this field. So it's like this is also not what. We participated as a sukarelawannya, "explains the great.

The selection of the target which elementary school children also assessed appropriately so that the activity is managed to interest a lot of professionals in various fields to get involved. He added that the development of the education of the ELEMENTARY SCHOOL.

"If the high school and college that already know how. It's when the child is still in SD it was the right time to infuse a is good, "he said.



In Tambora, Dela Set Dreams So Animators

class-inspiration-by-chikita-fawzi-620X310 .jpg "width = 630 > VITALIS YOGI TRISNA Chikita Fawzi, animator of the series Upin Ipin gave inspiration to the class grade five of elementary school (SDN) Ground Cereals 03 am, West Jakarta, Wednesday (20/2/2013). Inspiration is an initiative of the class movement of Indonesia, as many as 596 Teaching faculty composed of professional workers pitch in to 58 SD negeri Jakarta. COMPASS IMAGES/VITALIS YOGI TRISNA

JAKARTA, Ananda Daughter (11) students grade 5 SDN 03 land of cereals, it looks cool to draw on the Table the table class. He was inspired to become an animator after the arrival of the volunteer teachers from the classroom inspirational, Wednesday (20/2/2013).

"I emang likes to draw from first. Usually images of people, mountains, or flowers, "said Dela while put pencil holes on paper.

Armed with pencil and paper is green, drawing a daughter Dela by using a bandanna. When asked what his aspirations as an adult, want to be an animator Dela smart draw.

Dela wanted to draw the studious even outside of school hours, Dela spend more time with his father's help to sell in the market. Usually sold in the form of clothing that can be used in daily activities such as shirts made from t-shirts.

The name of the class he knew animators Inspiration held by Indonesia, Teaching these days. Dela taught drawing by one of the children's film animator "Upin Ipin", Chikita Fawzi.

In front of the ELEMENTARY SCHOOL children, also showed a wide variety of Chiki his already shaped the animation.

"I think those people can become animators, their origin have the will, they can make it," said the daughter of artist Ikang Fawzi and Marissa Haque.

While teaching, to Chiki also provides motivation for grade 5 students who became his protégé. By using a small guitar, Chiki sing while asked about students ' ideals if it grows up.

Responding to questions, Chiki chants and many students mentioned the wide range of his ideals when it is mature. Anyone who wanted to become teachers, doctors, journalists, engineers, machine and others. The class atmosphere of intimacy and passion look that emanated between disciples and teachers who share the inspiration to the students.

Is Preserved.

Yuniarti, principal of SDN 01 Ground Cereals also welcomed the Class program this inspiration. According to him, in the presence of such activities, the older children helped to better know a wide range of professions who could was involved.

"Before they knew the right profession or ideals only from books. With these activities the children can better know the profession they want, "said Yuniarti.

He continued, children also get information to find out the steps that must be prepared if they want to apply yourself to a profession. By presenting the inspirator plunge directly with his profession, it could spur a desire child become certain professions that fit your interests and talents.

Related news, see: Inspiration of teaching Indonesia Class

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The curriculum in the primary Accreditation Only 2013 A and B

early discussion of the curriculum changes last year, saying that was not a factor in the selection of accredited schools in the implementation of the curriculum of 2013. "First of all the school's promise can be an equal chance," he said.

On a separate occasion, Minister of education Mohammad Nuh added, for while the schools are ready. The Government cannot impose a school that is not ready. School readiness is also considered of student achievement and school. SD/MI (ESL) A and B as much as 71,5 percent.

Noah says, the selection of schools that implemented the 2013 Curriculum delivered to each area. However, the selection criteria for these schools must have accredited and must also have a complete permanent teachers, the classroom teacher I-VI; the teacher of religion; as well as a teacher of physical education, sports and health.

In exposure Musliar, implementing curriculum schools will receive mentoring from school core. The core is the school public schools/private prescribed district/city, already has accredited A criteria, and has a core of teachers.

Meanwhile, the core of the school will be accompanied by the school trustees. Builders of the school is public school/private that already apply the discovery learning and the thematic method.


Members of the Panja, Curriculum, consideration and questioning Zulfadli strategy the Government chose the school trustees that will accompany the schools implementing the curriculum of 2013. Because the criteria are too high, he worried about the schools in the area will hardships, and no one can be the builders of the school.

Similar doubts delivered Retno Listyarti, Secretary General of the Federation of teachers ' Unions (FGSI) Indonesia. He said the implementation of the Curriculum time 2013 lived four months longer, but until now the stakeholders of education has never seen an official curriculum documents and final.

"So we all meributkan something that the goods do not obvious, like buying a cat in a sack," said Retno.

In Magelang, Civic Research Center researcher and culture Indonesia Institute of Sciences (LIPI), Jaleswari Pramodhawardani, say, because of the question of terrorism more broadly, terrorism material needs to be included in the curriculum. "The younger generation is currently the group most potential recruits to terrorist networks," said the national seminar on Jaleswari Military Academy, Magelang. (LK/ELN/EKI)



Today, the Day the engineers at "AtAmerica"

Are you a scientist or engineer? Or have the aspiration to own one of these professions? If so, the event "International Engineering Week: bridge to the future" could be an option for your activities today.

Events held by @ america will take place today, Wednesday (20/02/2013), 10: 30 to 18: 30. On this occasion, you have the opportunity to talk directly about the science and engineering by Robert Laing, the National Executive of Lockheed Martin, and Frank Mekker Indonesia from Lockheed Martin as well as several representatives from the United States Embassy in Indonesia.

The show only lasted one day. So if you have time to spare and would like to add insight into science and technology, just come to the @ america, Pacific Place, 3rd floor.



The Field Is Open For Research Master's Degree Of Poverty

The increasing poverty in Indonesia, especially in the area of Java, triggered a Ub to play an active role in poverty reduction, and improvements in the welfare of the poor.

Associated with it, is now open to the field of Sociology master's degree program concentration field study of Poverty under the Faculty of social sciences in political science.

"This Program is the first in Indonesia. Recently opened in [2] the University of Brawijaya. The opening of this program to serve as academic studies Center poverty and problems of poverty reduction programs, especially in East Java, "said Dean [2] to the field, in a welcome Wisadirana Darsono National Seminar on" the role of Universities and the Association of professors of Indonesia in Tackling the problem of poverty ", Wednesday (20/2/2013).

"Later was able to produce graduates who have the scientific knowledge about poverty in a comprehensive manner encompassing various disciplines, so as to actualize their knowledge in their respective regions," Darsono dial plan.

The competence of graduates of the program, said Darsono, will be able to identify and plan and implement poverty reduction programmes. "Later must have concern on the problem of poverty that continues to afflict society," said Darsono.

The Program focussed areas of poverty he said registration was opened from December until February 2013. "This Program is opened for the academic year 2012-2013. New this year are opened and the Prime, "said Darsono.

Meanwhile, according to Setyo Budiantoro, one of the giver of the material in this seminar, poverty in Indonesia, not because of the shortage, but due to the asimetrisasi of access and social opportunities.

"From that, appropriately enough there is Poverty Studies master's degree program in the field [2]. And, in the future, the University needs to make poverty research laboratories and not get stuck on the providers ' intellectual ' peddlers are busy with projects and became a consultant, "said Setyo, who is also a lecturer of Sociology master's degree Program Graduate fields of Study [2] concentration of Poverty, poor Field.

While, according to Nurhayati, Professor of Economics, Islamic University of Malang, the years, unemployment and even the higher educated. It was due to the low level of entrepreneurial mentality of college graduates.

"College graduates have a mindset as a job seeker instead of the creator's work. It is a constraint for us, especially for the College. Don't even educate its student so job seekers. But the creators of the work should be printed, "said Nurhayati.



Kala Ceo Ancol So Primary School Teachers

CEO-ancol-so-guru-620X310 .jpg "width = 630/ALSADAD > RUDI President Director of PT Taman Impian Jaya Ancol, Budi, Works as a lecturer in Pademangan Barat SDN 01, Jalan Ampera Morning III RT 04 RW 09 North Jakarta on Wednesday (20/2/2013).

JAKARTA, — what happens when a Director of a company which usually became Chairman and busy employees follow meetings in air-cooled rooms suddenly appeared at an elementary school? In elementary school, located in the populous neighborhoods that the Director will be a teacher who teaches children who are still young.

That's the view of Pademangan Barat in SDN 01, Jalan Ampera Morning III RT 04 RW 09 North Jakarta on Wednesday (20/2/2013) as President Director of PT Taman Impian Jaya Ancol, Budi Karya, a volunteer worker in the Indonesia teachers teach.

Based on observations



Kamis, 21 Februari 2013

In Addition To The Master Teacher, Now There Are School Trustees

In addition to the master teacher, to facilitate implementation of the curriculum, the Ministry of education and the 2013 culture (Kemdikbud) have a strategy by appointing school trustees. This will help the implementation of school curriculum at all levels so that the school can walk properly and minimize implementation constraints.

Deputy Minister of education and culture, Musliar eunuch, says that school trustees will be presented by the kabupaten/kota. Furthermore, the determination is done by the Ministry of education and culture according to the specified criteria. One of these related accreditation.

"If there is a Yes in the county taken from there. But if there is no school district could cross. Its right to build there need be no every day, "said Musliar when Hearing with Panja Curriculum in the Commission meeting room X HOUSE of REPRESENTATIVES, Jakarta, Monday (19/2/2013).

Schools that serve the school trustees are also not limited to public schools only. For private schools that have good quality, memadi and infrastructure already implemented the curriculum has a similar concept with a new curriculum then open the opportunity to become school builders.

"Could have been a private school. For the quality and means of better infrastructure. Why not? Dear right, they want to lend a hand but not utilized, "explained Musliar.

He also revealed that there will be an incentive for the school but had not discussed any further. According to him, without any incentives whatsoever the school still wants to run the school's role as a Builder because it has pride.

"For them a pride was appointed school trustees," he said.



While CEO of Kompas Gramedia Share Inspiration to elementary school children

ceo-kg-great-adiprasetyo-in-class-inspiration-waves-ii-620X310 .jpg "width = 630 > Afifah CEO Compass Gramedia, Agung Adiprasetyo, when participating in Class II surge of Inspiration held Indonesia Movement Teaching Foundation, on Wednesday (20/2/2013).

JAKARTA, a briefing on the 9th February, professionals who are usually engaged with his job now present directly in the classroom at middle school age children elementary in the activity titled Class II surge of Inspiration held by Yayasan Indonesia Movement teaching.

One of these is the CEO of the professional'm Compass, great Adiprasetyo. Participation in these activities is based on with his passion to share the dream with Indonesia so able to motivate them to achieve the desired goals.

"This Program is great. How to raise these kids dream of introducing that all important profession and good depending on what our prowess, "said Agung as found in Country Brass 01 East ELEMENTARY SCHOOL in the morning, Jakarta, Wednesday (20/2/2013).

On this occasion, he will share his experience with kids grade II, IV and V. According to him, this was very interesting and gives a challenge for him. His last chapter, dealing directly with ELEMENTARY age children in particular class I and II is something that is not easy.

"When told to children grades I and II, I think it's really interesting because it usually difficult," says Chief who claimed to have a background of school teachers.

Furthermore, he reveals that there are two important messages that will be brought into the classroom and readily divided on such children. The message is put forward, among others, honesty and independence as the key to success in running any later profession.

"Actually, I'd want a story about attitude especially honest aja and independent. Any profession will not succeed if it's not honest, "said Agung.

"The key is independent and not dependent on others. That's what I'm going to lead them, "he added.

Related news, see: Inspiration of teaching Indonesia Class

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Introducing the profession to Students

the mind is not just a doctor, Pilot and President of the ...

JAKARTA, -students of SDN 01 and 03 of the dam Downstream is seen enthusiastically get lessons do not like usual. They were introduced by profession outside doctors, pilots, and the President, their usual write in her ideals.

To this day, Wednesday (20/2/2013), they listened to the stories of professional teachers from a variety of professions. As Ceo of Bank DKI Eko Budi Wiyono, Bondan Winarno, culinary expert and Director of finance PT PGN Riza Pahlevi. Not only that, they also get to hear the story of the profession of doctor, the advertising agency, to the magician.

"Biasanyakan his kids want to be doctors, pilots, Presidents and others. But in fact there are many other professions that will lead them to success, "said Bondan Winarno.

What is given to students is part of the Indonesia program taught classes inspiration held at 50 primary schools throughout Jakarta. About 1,200 professionals voluntarily mencutikan yourself from work respectively, and give it a little time to teach ELEMENTARY SCHOOL students.

"It's great, last I teach children how to manage their money and socialize them the importance of saving diusia them," said Eko Budi Wiyono.

Elementary school students that is located on Jalan Lake Toba, Downstream of the dam, Central Jakarta is very excited to listen to the story of this professional teachers. They consider this to be an exciting new experience.

"The same Seneng, because the usual lesson, bosen said Rina, grade 5 ELEMENTARY SCHOOL.

"Strongly agree with this because it adds to their insight because it does not teach regular subjects, but from what they have. so that they may know of other professions, "said Hidayat, the principal of SDN 01.

The event was finished around 10: 00 PM EST, closed with the release of balloons into the air by all students.

Related news, see: Inspiration of teaching Indonesia Class

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Rp 6.6 M Allowances for teachers in Madiun Jammed

Perks of the profession of educators (TPP) the city of Madiun amounting to Rp 6.6 billion has not yet been paid. These funds have not been disbursed since 2010.

Chairman of the Commission of LEGISLATIVE Istono Madiun City II States, funds that have not been paid off that TPP stacking of three periods. In 2010, the funds have not had liquid i.e. Rp 2.7 billion out of a total budget of Rp 3.7 billion.

"In 2010 it's 1 month remaining," he said on Tuesday (19/2/2013).

Istono says, the funds have not liquid at the year 2010 are in fact reserved for 1,000 teachers. Meanwhile, for the year 2011, funds that have not been disbursed TPP Rp 470 million.

"And the year 2012 less Rp 3,515 billion for the 1,570 teachers," he said.

TPP this teacher is given with bervariatif nominal salary, depending on the category, and the work of teachers. However, the teachers, the average gain TPP between USD 1.5 million to $ 2.5 million per month.

National issues

In the meantime, the city Education Office Head Suyoto said Madison, recent disbursement TPP not just issue in Madison.

"This is not just a problem Madison alone, but a national problem," said Suyoto, Tuesday (19/2/2013).

He said that it is in fact already filed a deficiency of Rp 2.7 billion in Ministry of finance and the Ministry of education and culture to TPP for teachers in the year 2010. The reason, the budget is there at the moment it is only Rp 1.01 billion while the funds to be poured TPP reached Rp 2.3 billion.

"But so far there has been no settlement," he said.

Suyoto admitted the Fund budget and TPP Rp 1.01 billion that the return to The Treasury (Kasda).

"Therefore, the Fund is USD 1 billion that we return to Kasda. Because if there is not enough and are distributed could be problematic, "he added.

For 2010 and 2012, he said, funds that have not been provided is TPP allowances a teacher for one month, while the year 2011 just a few teachers who have not been able to accept the TPP with a total of $ 470 million.



Ardian Syaf, "Batman" from Tulungagung

ardian syaf-cartoonists-620X310 .jpg "width = 630 > COMPASS/Ardian Syaf WAWAN h. PRABOWO, a world-known artists from Indonesia. comic hand scratches from Tenggur Village, Tulungagung district, East Java, has been recognized by the United States of famous comic book publisher DC Comics. Ardian Syaf chiefs (33). Born out of his hand like a super hero Batman and Superman, and more. Sarie Febriane

Ardian Syaf comics in January and then crowded with fans, ranging from teenagers to a diplomat from the Embassy of Singapore. They ask for Ardian and drawing Batman signed on a piece of t-shirt. After obtaining the signatures and graffiti images of the diplomat were Ardian invites photograph with Adrian.

In addition to the diplomats were Ardian, among fans of Director Rizal Mantovani also appear and the player Marcelino Lefrandt soap opera. They were Ardian enthusiastically met. With a photo, a signature on the American comic book collection, and the stroke of a character image comics into three things prompted fans of Ardian. The ambiance was a testament to how much hand scratches very well known connoisseur Ardian comics DC Comics publications.

That day, or the familiar Ardian accosted Aan, then appeared in American comics festival @ ameri-Con in the framework of the 2nd anniversary of the @ america Center for culture in the United States, Pacific Place, Jakarta. He asked to share stories about their work as anthologies of recent years "playing" in the international arena.

Visual communication design graduate of the State University of Malang was already twice contracted Publisher of DC Comics in the us. Under the DC Comics as a penciler, Aan, farming out the legendary comics superhero whose figure, including Superman, Batman, Batgirl, and Green Lantern. Penciler is a term to refer to anthologies of translating texts into the language of images.

The prize of "Bobo"

Aan admitted since childhood goals are becoming popular. Fascinating comics akin to love at first sight. When sitting in class I elementary school, he got a gift from Bobo comics since submitting Puzzles Crossword answer.

His first comic was so impressive for Ardian is small. It also brought him comic fantasize in the comic universe. Aan small aspires to become the makers of comic anthologies of aliases. Her father, a civil servant, also often bought Aan comic which was purchased at a flea market.

Graduated in 2004, imagine yourself Confidentiality draw comics for publication in local mass media in East Java. His aspirations to become comic artists still settles in her inner space.

A friend and tell him to send the application to the, an international site that becomes popular worldwide forum to get comic projects in various countries. However, over the last two years combined, never offered Aan cooperate.

Even so, he sincerely accepted the invitation of cooperation from some countries for its execution of the winning Comic at no charge. Projects at no charge that he'll need to hone his ability to draw.

Some small projects were received, with pay only about 25 US dollars per page for eight short comic page. In addition, any work on request as Aan stylist layout Worksheet books high school students with paid Rp 2,500 per page.

"At first, my MOM never worried, ' Aan, of drawing could work what ya '?" said Aan mimicked her mother utterances.

At one point the child ill. Confidentiality He is supremely gundah and costs of treatment. He became almost precipitate as writing anthologies. He then applied for a job in a local newspaper as a stylist layout.

In the midst of difficulty, one of the authors of original comic script named Catie Ireland send e-mail. Its contents, giving information about the Publisher is pretty well-known in the u.s., Dabel Brothers Publishing, searching for penciler for the Dresden Files comic.

Catie is a writer who once worked with the Aan on small comics. Apparently the confidence, constancy, and endeavor to meet the course start Aan. The Publisher eventually comes to rely for its execution of the comic Dresden Aan Files: Welcome to the Jungle # 1-4. Since then, the paper considered by publishers are increasingly coming across large international.

"The Great Help City"

Bid on any projects coming up big American Publisher, DC Comics, twice signed exclusively to manage the coming across a variety of superhero comics. Publications established in 1934 and is now under the Warner Bros. Entertainment that gave birth to a number of prominent legendary superhero comics, including Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, and Green Lantern.

Up to now, there have been a series of superhero comic rendered Aan, such as Superman/Batman # 68-71, Green Lantern Corps # 49-52, Brightest Day # 0-25, and Batgirl number 1. Aan were valued up to 300 US dollars per sheet.

In comics-comics international, garapannya Aan often inserts the elements keindonesiaan, ranging from the appearance of the Governor of DKI Jakarta billboards display Jokowi and his Deputy, Basuki, in Batgirl comics # 1, which set the story in Jakarta.

There is also a hat worn by one of the comic that reads "The Great Help City" aka city of Tulungagung, also a skull wearing belangkon, and whatnot that would follow.

Even though it has to be taken into account in the anthologies, Aan international arena remained humble and simple. She felt at peace living in Tenggur Village and teach children in her environment learn to draw.

Aan also still harbored other ideals, namely Indonesia excites the comics again ....



Ordinary employee to the CEO is ready to share it to elementary school children

class-inspiration-620X310 .jpg "width = 630 > doc.Class InspirasiSuasana class in the Classes I like wave of Inspiration served in II surge of Inspiration will be held simultaneously in Jakarta, Pekanbaru, Surabaya, Bandung, Yogyakarta and Solo, tomorrow, Wednesday (20/2/2013). Professionals, from ordinary employees, self employed, until Director – Executive Director of various companies in Indonesia are ready to share your inspiration in a number of selected primary school.

In Jakarta, there were about 599 volunteer teachers who will share in 58 SD State. They consist of professionals who decided to do something for the Betterment of education. how, sharing inspiration from the stories of their own lives.

A number of the Executive Director (Chief Executive Officer/CEO) and President Director (CEO) are involved in this activity. Call it the CEO of Compass Gramedia Adiprasetyo, CEO Of PT Pembangunan Jaya Ancol Budi Karya Sumadi, CEO of Bank DKI Eko Budiwiyono, Chairman of Schlumberger Indonesia Ahmad Yuniarto, Country Head of Google Indonesia Ramawy, Rudy Daniland Group Chairman Emil Arifin and Garuda Indonesia Commissioner Betty Alisjahbana.

There is also the Ambassador of INDONESIA to ASEAN Bali's Ngurah Swajaya I Gede, author of the book "land of 5 Towers" Ahmad Fuadi 's, former Indonesia Zivanna Letisha's daughter, Jubing Kristianto musicians, artists and athletes softball Kesuma, author of Indonesia Donny Fira Basuki, editor of Tempo magazine, Muryadi and Revelation of culinary expert, Bondan Winarno.

Not just famous people, professionals with a minimum of two years of work experience are involved in this activity. The housewife who has his own business, the professors and engineers, teachers to translators and language coordinator also participated.

It should also learn

Of course the "teacher day" it's not just storytelling. They also must learn. In persiapa last week, the volunteers provided a number of knowledge and expertise as a teacher. Based on shared modules, the volunteers equipped with technical teaching. Despite the limited time, the ideal teaching structure that should be used in the classroom teacher handed out.

A teacher, for example, had to start with teaching the students attention and then give you an idea of what will be discussed during the session. After that, the teacher can share a core teaching to be delivered.

To strengthen core instruction, jembatani delivered that message can be understood by the students, for example, by using an analogy or replace technical terms are difficult with a simple term that is understood. Then, give examples to add to the understanding of the students.

Then evaluate to megetahui whether the students are familiar with what is being delivered. How, through quizzes, games (games) or make the tree of hope. Finally, close the return sessions with interesting things, such as engage them to shout out the one shouted.

Many other materials in terms of teaching needs to be understood by volunteers though they only became a teacher in a day. The reason, according to the Chairman of the foundation of teaching Indonesia Movement, Anies Baswedan, the presence of professionals in the classroom rather than simply teach or share knowledge.

"This activity is not inviting them solely to become a teacher, but the most important is to bring back the dream in the classrooms," said Anies when present in Class supply of inspiration last week.



Rabu, 20 Februari 2013

Stop Enduring Education Fund

This year, the Government will disburse funds in the interest of lasting education reportedly reached Rp 700 billion.

This step is necessary because of the serious attention it since the beginning of the existence of this Fund is full of awkwardness. Not only the matter of rules, the motive behind the enduring Education Fund eksisnya (DAP) three years later, also full of mystery. Although it is used for education became the authority and responsibility of the Ministry of culture and education, the STATE BUDGET ACT in the DAP called national education development fund initiated by former Finance Minister Sri Mulyani Indrawati (compass, 8/3/2010).

After DAP mewacanakan in March 2010, The DAP in Law Number insert 2 in 2010 about changes to the law No 47/2009 about the STATE BUDGET in 2010. STATE BUDGET ACT is then followed by the issuance of Permenkeu No. 238/FMD. 05/2010 regarding the provision of the Ordinance, liquefaction, management of, and accountability Endowment Fund and reserve fund Education in December 2010. In contrast to the perennial Fund collected from the community through its efficiency of organizing Hajj, DAP is taken directly from the 20 percent of the budget to education. The adjustment is 1 percent to 2 percent annually. In 2013, the DAP STATE BUDGET allocated Rp 5 trillion so the total DAP is currently reaching 15.6 trillion Rupiah (accumulated since early 2010).

No good terkonsep

This amount is very large, even exceeding the total budget for the Ministry/State agencies. Call it a budget at the Ministry of tourism and Creative Economy only Rp 2 trillion (2013), the Ministry of youth and sports, as well as Rp 1.9 trillion to Rp 477 billion National Library. The presence of this true no special DAP, except from the magnitude of the budget is allocated. These funds are also not terkonsep properly. According to Act No. 19/2012, enduring Education Fund (endowment fund) is used to guarantee the sustainability of the program of education for the next generation as a form of intergenerational responsibility. It is embodied inter alia by mengalokasikannya for scholarships and rehabilitation of educational facilities damaged by natural disasters. The Minister stated, the DAP will be allocated specifically for scholarships S-2 and S-3 of non-CIVIL SERVANTS and nondosen, research-based energy and food, as well as the rehabilitation of educational facilities as a result of the disaster.

The function budget, scholarship, research, start up true rehabilitation has been allocated in the regular budget beyond the DAP. If DAP is used to finance the same thing, for what is the DAP? The intention of utilizing Kemdikbud DAP for scholarships S-2 and S-3 nondosen and non-CIVIL SERVANTS also clearly does not meet the strategic plan (renstra) Kemdikbud 2010-2014 that it wants to increase the percentage of qualified lecturers education S-2 and S-3. In this, the Kemdikbud target renstra increased qualified lecturer S-2 to 85 percent and the S-3 qualified lecturers to 90 percent.

In addition, scholarships are only focused for S-2 and S-3 is also not linear with increasing effort of SMA/SMK APK (12 years of compulsory education). Because when the APK increases, prospective auto S-1 also increased, which is then needs funding of education to undergraduate level. Later, the STATE BUDGET ACT in the DAP is mentioned as a form of intergenerational responsibility gives the impression that one day we will run out of money shortages and to finance education. This view is indeed disputed Sri Mulyani who insists that the presence of the DAP is not a matter of lack of funding, but rather how to spend the budget properly (absorbance) (Cash, 13/3/2010).

This indicates, as Sri Mulyani Minister of finance at that time, did not believe in Kemdikbud in the management of the education budget. If then the reasonable education budget is 20 percent of the STATE BUDGET which ripped apart. From the start is divided into 18 ministries/institutions, transfers to the regions, the special allocation, to the provision of the post to DAP. In other words, the DAP was made the way meet a quota of 20 percent the budget for education, while simultaneously addressing the low absorbance of a big budget.


Further, the management of public services by the DAP (BLU) is a misguided policy. Because BLU concept as stated in article 1 points (1) and (2) of REGULATION No 23/2005 is as the provision of goods and/or services sold (applying a healthy business practices). As for the DAP is the funds deposited and its revenue was just a flower. In other words, the DAP is not fresh capital (fresh capital) which used to do business.

Ironically, the Minister, as Minister of education-related and which will make use of the DAP, not overwhelm those funds. Because, under article 2, paragraph (2) Permenkeu No. 238/FMD. 05/2010, budget users are not the Minister Minister of DAP. The budget is increasingly wild as a partner because the Commission X Kemdikbud unable to supervise the use of the budget because the budget is under the grip of his term and completely under the supervision of kementeriannya.

The formation of the new BLU performed on 2012 and the disbursements will be made in the year is also questionable. The reason, DAP already budgeted since 2010. This triggered suspicion will likely magnitude absurdities DAP for political expediency. Moreover, the Fund proved to be susceptible to the eternal corruption. As a former corruption DAU dragging Minister of religious affairs Said Agil Husein Al Munawar. In addition, DAP in Aceh also alleged dikorupsi because, based on the findings of the NGO, the balance is already blank. Aceh DAP

In the end, House members who have the right budget must act. However mistakes cannot be addressed solely to the Government, given the STATE BUDGET ACT was born from the meeting of the HOUSE of REPRESENTATIVES Plenary hammer tap. The opportunity is still there, because a rule base is DAP STATE BUDGET; so P-2013 STATE BUDGET is the entrance of the commitment of the representatives of the people.

However, everything will be back in the political process. Will the most votes is given to Governments (continue) or vice versa (stop DAP)?

Sincere Santoso Experts Board member in the HOUSE of REPRESENTATIVES Commission X



200 Troubled INSTITUTION.

The Ministry of education and culture is currently handling about 200 private colleges that are problematic. A variety of issues facing the INSTITUTION attempted to disrupt the optimal not to academic activities.

The Director General of higher education of the Ministry of Education and Cultural Affairs Djoko Santoso said it was in the national seminar themed "facing the conflict Strategy/Disharmoni Antarpemangku College Interest as well as the strategies to face the implementation of the higher education ACT and the ACT of Foundation" in Jakarta, Monday (18/2).

The Seminar initiated by the governing body of the Association of private Colleges Indonesia (ABPTSI) also features keynote speaker Professor of law of The State University of Indonesia Faculty of law Jimly Asshiddiqie Kopertis Region IV Coordinator and Abdul Hakim Alim.

Djoko said, in conflict resolution in PTS, Kemendikbud partnered with ABPTSI as the representative of the Foundation and the Association of private sector Colleges Indonesia (Aptisi) as the Chief Representative of the INSTITUTION.

Thomas Suyatno, Chairman of ABPTSI, saying, conflict within the INSTITUTION. There is a conflict of antarorgan of the Foundation (the Builder, caretaker, and supervisor), the conflict between the Foundation and the leadership INSTITUTION, nor conflict of PTS and the Senate INSTITUTION.

There is a mutual Foundation claim so in one BUILDING there are 2-3 with 2-3 Foundation Rector. In fact, there's a student executive body under the Foundation's twin ruptures. To resolve these cases, court decisions are not always accepted by all parties.

The umbrella law

According to the Government's need to innovate, Jimly in regard legal entities developing in higher education. For legal entities at the Foundation ACT Foundation, originally referring to a limited liability company.

Further, Jimly said, in case of a prolonged conflict in the body BUILDING, the Government needs to intervene to resolve the conflict.

"Right now, right, yet no law umbrella so it is difficult for the Government to lend a hand. The Government can get around this by putting it in the Government Regulation (PP), both in the higher education Act and the Act of the Foundation, "said Jimly.

Associated with Act No. 12 year 2012 about higher education, "said Thomas, ABPTSI in principle accept it. However, there are still some things that need to be clarified, such as the question of accreditation, the influx of foreigners, as well as PT institutions of religious education at the INSTITUTION. (ELN)



Be Prepared: Scholarships Australia Awards!

australia-awards-scholarship-aas-620X310 .jpg "width = 630 > doc.AAS Australia Awards Scholarship (AAS) 2014 for Indonesia.

JAKARTA, those of you who are interested in further study into the land of kangaroos, we recommend that you do not miss the opportunity to acquire Scholarships or Awards Australia Australia Awards Scholarship (AAS). Long-term Program held this menyasar on AusAID's best friend Australia which one of these is Indonesia.

Programs that used to be called Australian Development Scholarship (ADS) offers an opportunity for those who wish to graduate or masters degree in various universities in Australia. Expected by following this program, graduates are able to bring knowledge gained to develop his country.

The requirement, candidates must have a minimum GPA of 2.9 (4.0 scale) and the United Kingdom speaking ability demonstrated by a minimum IELTS score of 5.0, paper-based minimum TOELF 500 or minimum TOEFL iBT 61.

This scholarship includes tuition benefits such as full, plane ticket round trip from home country scholarship recipients, accommodation costs, living expenses amounting to 30,000 dollar Australia per year and health insurance.

Not only that, before entering a period of lecturing the grantee will follow the introduction of a program called Introductory Academic Program. The Program exposes about how life and learning tips in Australia will be carried out for 4-6 weeks before the course begins. Scholarship recipient who is judged to require the United Kingdom language training will also receive training through the Pre-class Course English.

Well, if interested, complete information can be obtained for AAS Indonesia at official scholarship offer. For Indonesia, registration scholarship program to 2014 was opened on 4 March and close on August 2.




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