As in Finland, the country with the best current education systems, teachers create curriculum based on the needs of each student. To that end, they must understand the development stage (piaget), multiple intelligences (gardner), how the brain works (medina) and gene (ridley/murakami), as well as curricular domains.
Learning Method of the Centers is being held with the US adopted by Tamin Wismiarti Al-Falah school, East Jakarta, in 1996. The curriculum is flexible, flow-oriented students, packed the thematic basis-integrative-exploratory, and build a sense of happy. The goal: build the love of learning insan kamil.
The Program fails
Minister of education Mohammad Nuh, writing "2013" Curriculum (Kompas, 7/3), in the spirit of "anyway" roads should be 2013 Curriculum, in addition to the defensive, is also too simplistic because the normative and ignoring the process of implementation in the field.
The Minister also affirmed, the curriculum is developed on the basis of the 2013 "... study of KBK 2004 and KTSP 2006" which is a program failed, but still made the Foundation replied "the challenges of the 21st century as well as the preparation of 2045 Generation".
2013 curriculum is a project the budget swelled from the original plan, to $ 2.49 trillion. It was said to cost 1.1 million teacher training $ 1,09 billion and procurement 72,8 million copies of the book to Rp 1.3 trillion. Who can guarantee it's not dikorupsi, for example, to political fund 2014?
In fact, in certain schools implementation is designed with a tiered mentoring the preparation of technical and human resources are so complex that there is currently no step in reality.
Socialization process were not yet implemented nationally so that the teachers still gawk does not understand. In fact, the new school year lived a few months longer.
In other words, if the projects are expensive and it's rowdy, understandably fails to please.
The challenges of the future
The challenges of the 21st century and generation 2045 (marking 100 years of the proclamation of independence) is building a free man that berkeahlian according to individual interests and abilities (the intelligentsia of the era). So, the education process should no longer totalitarian as the early 19th century (fulfil the political dictatorship), Robotics (fulfil the industrialist), and kolonialistik/kleristik (fulfil the invaders and had mentally employees).
Towards a future education is education that is free, opening the door for protégé in order to realize the goals according to your interests and talents of each. They will be personally ready to collaborate, self-catering.
The key word is the curriculum should be able to answer concretely-operational problematic mentioned the Minister in his writing, "... ELEMENTARY learners trained yet abstract thinking". Who should build the abstract thinking ability ELEMENTARY SCHOOL children?
True, for that, "the role of the language became dominant." But, indeed, mastery, and usage patterns of language teaching in the Republic of Indonesia is already good and true, especially among educators and leaders?
In all fine arts Academy, each candidate must initiate the process of learning painter with a technical mastery of anatomically/realist. The abstract, such as maestro Affandi, Dawn Prints, Widajat, Picasso, Piet Mondriaan and went through the process of realismenya and very beautiful.
According to the theory of developmental stages and the workings of the brain, abstract thinking ability can only be constructed with a concrete understanding of the base. A concrete understanding of the weak result in abstract reasoning weak. This is a chronic disease of our nation so that all the rules are violated and corruption is rampant!
Construction of a solid foundation of solutions on every child is improving the quality of early childhood education! That's why, ages 0-7 years old called the golden age. At that time the ability to think concretely built through learning concretely. If a concrete reasoning development in kindergarten is completed, the next level in SD and the child is ready with abstract reasoning!
If the child is ready with abstract thinking, he's ready to become an educated human and cultural.
Early childhood education
United States President Barack Obama seriously against early childhood education. To create a new "generation of Apollo", he fought budget passed 10 billion u.s. dollars per year to improve quality of education of 4 years of age. He supported American business circles, believe in the analysis of Nobel Laureate economist James Heckman, j., who stated, investing in early childhood education more effective and economical. Without it, the company shall provide training to employees.
Here, the Ministry of manpower and transmigration was forced to plan improved the quality of 53,9 million workforce are graduates of the ELEMENTARY SCHOOL with the majority of the budget of Rp 10 trillion per year! It also is why the Chinese Government extend the program improving the quality of early childhood education.
2013 curriculum at all do not touch the early childhood education (OLD) that is so strategic and fundamental. In fact, at this time every year about 20 million children could not get OLD and Indonesia because of poverty and scarcity of facilities. With a budget of Rp 2.3 trillion, we are only going to create a generation of baking pan that will not be so without improving the quality of OLD gold!
Yudhistira ANM Massardi Education Practitioners
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