
Selasa, 07 Mei 2013

Of Education Minus Culture

maruts implementation national examination has been passed. We all know, in the last five years this situation has become routine. Each national examination carried out, each time it is harvested strife.

Whether this year's peak or not, anyway there's still next year. See gelagatnya, the Government will implement the party insists. Ass, she loves to enjoy the same keterperosokan into the mud, and we see it as foolishness no tara.

Education authority

Real education is not a question that need not be complicated if we see it as a cultural process. The core process of cultured is trust the various parties will be the presence of freedom in managing a mutually agreed value. In freedom, the entire party can dialogue, even arguing that allows the development of an agreed value constantly. In other words, the value agreed upon in the dialectic, not something that is dead, let alone turned off.

Dialectics are built one at a time bound by a common interest, namely by the nation's future that is supposed to exist on the shoulders of the students, a generation that has to emerge and grow productive in 2-3 decades into the future.

The Government should be a peg for the tegaknya trust and the dialectics. As a peg, it must grow and development of various meniscayakan critical thinking into the universe for his various idea anything about education. The Ministry of education and culture should be the House that gave a sense of security as well as fun for the activists and the slaves of education. Education can never take place properly without such excitement.

In addition, the Government may not be too far into the Affairs of the substance. It should not be present on the issue of UN and the curriculum. Surely the Government intervened. As is happening now, the charge of politics and power become very dominant. Look at the case of UN and curriculum of 2013. There seemed no clear dialog. Kemdikbud tend to use only "facility power". The parties that are critical can be tested objectively validity delineates considered enemies who should be Chief.

In the case of Curriculum 2013, for instance, critics of the curriculum is referred to as antiperubahan, the man a whim, not understanding the problem, not the core players, and others. The curriculum would later become a matter of politics. Kemdikbud be busy looking for political support to a number of political parties. Even though in the case of UN. Despite a disastrous gaffe, the Government is still putting up Babylon home power.

Education without values

Because of that, education in this country goes without values education. The school transformed into an institution for bermuaranya kepongahan while foolishness authorities. Students are at the end of the matter as the party that's always made an alibi: future generations should be saved. Crap!

While teachers urged to dilematis position: on the one hand he demands creative and qualified, but on the other hand burdened the various rules that fetter. In fact, the right to determine graduation students were crushed UN up to 60 percent.

As a result, analogous to the Louis Althusser (1984), the school no longer could be called ideological state apparatuses as the embed value ideologically persuasive. The school thus becomes a repressive state apparatuses that missed the value of repressive and unconscious students, also a teacher.

Therefore, there is no process of cultural interest in education. What happens is the power of camouflage. In such a situation, the concept and action related to the creativity of students not born and grow from and to student life itself, but rather something that is implied by the rule.

Please check the selected questions in the UN, for example. This type of problem mengamuflase the freedom and creativity of students. The type of the real matter of choice there is no choice because students can't pick apart the material options are proffered. This is a circular road kepongahan power.

Board Of Education

In order that the situation of continued progress, not the realm of substantial education must be provided to the parties that are independent of the Board of education who is administratively responsible to the Kemdikbud. In the independenlah discussion board all material and substance education can take place with focus, critical, and democratic.

The Government should take care of other important areas that have so far remained dormant. Infrastructure, teaching and learning facilities, improving the quality of teachers, and the welfare of teachers are some of the examples are still far below the education budget he says 20 percent of the NATIONAL BUDGET.

Remember, the efforts to improve the quality of teachers should be continuous, not enough with just trained five days when the curriculum would be changed. The Program also does not directly identified with the increased prosperity as it did on teacher certification. The lure of money on certification is an insult to humanity. Dibetot teacher mentality to most structures beyond the mundane. This is a very bad example in the world of education.

Leaders must understand

To reach it, first needed a leader, in this case the Minister understands very well the situation and conditions of schooling us. Ministers understand this is only he who has the ability, tenacity, and courage to "down blusukan (exploration)" into the rink issue.

Technically — sorry not a technical problem, the UN deployment the Minister must also often visit schools — which could be compiled into a region or cluster — are scattered all over the island. The Minister who just work relying on bureaucratic structure as it is now it's guaranteed never will be able to resolve the issue. Today we need leaders who dare to break through the structure as well as thinking and working out of the frame (out of the box). Ministers like this will understand the geopolitical as well as "geokultur". Thus, the Minister is also capable of creating such education as the process of cultured!

Acep Iwan Saidi Cultural Studies Forum Chairman Of The ITB



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