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Rabu, 08 Mei 2013

There Are No Complaints Of A Thin Sheet Of Answers

example-ljun-620X310 .jpg "width = 627 > riana afifah Sample answer sheet national exam (LJUN) 2013 (document kemdikbud).

YOGYAKARTA, -Complaints about the computer answer sheet is thin such as the implementation of national examination of JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL or HIGH SCHOOL no longer appears in the implementation of the national exam for level SD/MI or equal. No complaints from students for quality sheets for your computer, as well as with the quality of printed sheets of matter or lack of answer sheets or sheet of questions.

"The quality of the sheet for the computer (LJK) for the national exam SD/MI and thicker than equivalent to JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL and high school. This is because the printing process is done in an area so that the control of the quality problems and the LJK could be better, "said the head of the city Education Office Edy Heri Atmosphere in Yogyakarta, Monday (6/5/2013).

After the test, the computer will answer sheets directly brought to the school designated as implementing technical unit (UPT) and then taken to the Office of education youth and sports (Dikpora) DIY for scanned.

"In General, the implementation of the national exam SD/MI or equal to the first day went well, although there are a number of students who don't get in," he said.

Based on the data, the number of SD/MI students who did not attend the national exam on the first day with subjects that examined Indonesian Language recorded three people, two from each of the implementing Technical Unit (UPT) and one student from UPT.

"Everything hurts, and organised for the subsequent examination," he said. In the city, the number of students who registered as participants of the national exam SD/MI was 7.673 people.

Meanwhile, the Chairman of the Commission D DPRD Yogyakarta Sujanarko who did the review to a number of schools were declared that the conduct of examinations for SD/MI or equal.

"There are three schools visited. They can carry out the test. The quality of the sheet for the computer and the problem is also good, "he said.

He hopes, parents can also provide support to their children to follow the national exam for example provide a nutritious breakfast for his son before heading off to school.

"There was one child in elementary Pujokusuman that looks limp before the exam. But after being given hot tea, she returned refreshed and able to do the test, "he said.

While the in SD Giwangan which is inclusion, there is one ELEMENTARY SCHOOL student is allowed no National examination because it had a low IQ levels.

"Students were allowed not to participate. He will be given a Certificate Completed Study (STTB) and recommended continuing the school to school need special, "he said.

In elementary school, Badran give breakfast menu each towards the implementation of the test. Breakfast given since most students come from circles unable to.

"Breakfast is energy. However, nearly 90 percent of the students do not have breakfast.  In addition to breakfast, we pray duha or pray together for the students of religion other than islam, "said the guardian Class VI SD Badran Tukijo.

On the first day of the national exam, the menu is fried chicken and vegetable spinach, on the second day was given chicken soup and on the third day provided the chicken satay.



Distance Curriculum Idealism and reality

instead of spreading the same expectations, Curriculum implementation 2013 reap polemic.

On paper, the charge of idealism with realities of the 2013 Curriculum is the practice of education in the region.

Starting from 2013 dotted curriculum idea to seize the opportunities of demographic bonus in the next three decades. The goal of this curriculum is to print a character generation 2045 noble, independent, democratic, and accountable. The thematic approach is integrative, this curriculum develops core competencies as a horizontal integrator that binds the whole subject and level of education as a whole.

In practice at the elementary level-junior high school, the curriculum is dissolved material a number of subjects into other subjects. The number of subjects was reduced so that the structure of the curriculum was impressed and concise.

As education strategy, curriculum 2013 positioned as critical nodes in the process of consolidating democracy. In one of his article, Vice President Boediono explained that education is the key to determining the progress of the development (compass, 27/8/2012). This new curriculum formulation was inspired by the experience of the United States that puts the institution of education as the main pillars of democracy.

Substantively, this idea of putting the student in two-sided role as citizens of the democratic system and its human resource system economic player. Public education to equip students with the basic skills and attitudes (soft skills) for work to be good citizens. Meanwhile, special education provide skills ready to work (hard skills) in specific areas.

The Government is also preparing a strategy for the alignment of the curriculum with a background of teachers. There are three elements supporting implementation, i.e. the availability of books as a guide to learning materials and learning resources, strengthening the role of local governments in building and strengthening supervision and management of school culture.

Currently, the first team was set up consisting of core teachers as the spearhead of the new curriculum's implementation in the field.

Is a reality

However, it seems to kick on top of still strong on paper. The relevance of the national education policy on the one hand with the condition of the infrastructure of education on the other hand became a central theme in the survey on Teachers and quality Compass national education 2013. This trawl survey opinion 512 teachers from elementary and JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOLS public and private in eight provincial capitals.

As a result, in the outline of Government policy in the field of education is relative when confronted on the ability of teachers in the area.

A number of policies, such as the provision of school facilities and infrastructure, curriculum changes from time to time, teacher certification, and standardization of the national exam, is a macro policy benefit is with the education practice in the everyday life of teachers and pupils. Teacher certification, for example, do not touch directly with individual character and ability aspects of the teacher. The majority of teachers are rated mediocre type that tends to still have limitations in enrichment material and teaching methods. The role of teachers is also implementing the curriculum, as part of the educational bureaucracy.

This condition causes the Curriculum becomes problematic in the 2013 its implementation considering this curriculum requires the competence of educators and educational personnel (PTK). Moreover, the teacher shows the orientation of the value of the complex, with a range of understanding, namely the continuum is conservative in religious values on the one hand, but Liberals in understanding education.

Ahead of the two-month implementation, socialization Curriculum 2013 is still saggy in the field. The survey showed a still very minimal socializing in a number of areas. New socialization as a formality on the SD-top favorite JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL in urban areas. It was not able to guarantee an optimal understanding of the curriculum of 2013.

In fact, this curriculum changes require changes in paradigm thinking teachers teaching approach and related techniques, especially on subjects that are integrated, such as IPA, IPS, and language. In addition, changes in the structure of the curriculum also poses a number of technical issues such as hours of teaching per week teacher certification is not met and the excess power of teachers as a result of a number of subjects were removed.

Ideally, the 2013 Curriculum followed by teacher training for a new idealism can be caught more whole and implemented optimally. The teaching abilities of teachers currently is the result of higher education pedagogy refers to the old curriculum, the teachers at the elementary level was educated to master many fields taught at the elementary level. in the meantime, teachers are directed to JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL have kebidangan.

The confusion of such technical amendments reflect that the curriculum needs to be done gradually. The controversy that developed curriculum 2013 as long as it is inseparable from the difference between the Government's view as decisive policies on the central level and readiness of teachers as implementers in the area that has the ability.

Frame the democratization

Currently, the Government has lowered the target for the implementation of the curriculum of 2013. At the elementary level from 30 percent to 5 percent, the level of JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL of 20 percent to 7 percent. The new curriculum was implemented in grade I and IV at the elementary level and grade VII in the level of junior high school. As for the HIGH SCHOOL/SMK levels remain 100 percent in the class of X, that is applied in the HIGH SCHOOL and CMS 10.685 11.572 throughout Indonesia.

The display Windows of previous experience, the determination of the curriculum is the curriculum changes that 2013 is the third time since the reform of 1998. Substantially, has not seen the vision is related to frame the democratization. The school is still grappling to question the technical standardization and assessment of education. This issue must be cleared up first so that the curriculum does not simply be 2013 paper tiger.

(Wonderful Surya Wardhani/R & D Compass)



Selasa, 07 Mei 2013

The Minister Asked For A Single Socialized Tuition

Directorate General of higher education (HIGHER EDUCATION) is asked to do a single Tuition socialization (UKT) at universities that was targeted. This is to misunderstand the students did have to pay UKT.

Education and Culture Minister, Mohammad Nuh, said that this would ease UKT students in terms of financing later. Because with this UKT, a student only paid once each semester and no longer have the money base.

"Who told you by the UKT instead will be troublesome. It was taken in order to make it easy for students, "said Noah during the dialogue with the students of State University of Semarang, Central Java, Saturday (4/5/2013).

"Usually it is money, money is the base of the building, the graduation and teaching pay money again. We collect all the pull it for UKT, "Noah's imbuh.

He also explained that it sought to suppress funds universities coming from students. Not only that, it also requires universities to open opportunity scholarships for poor students.

"So please understand first. This may be because the concept is not to know what it looks like. Of higher education I would ask that all socialization is clear, "he said.



Of Education Minus Culture

maruts implementation national examination has been passed. We all know, in the last five years this situation has become routine. Each national examination carried out, each time it is harvested strife.

Whether this year's peak or not, anyway there's still next year. See gelagatnya, the Government will implement the party insists. Ass, she loves to enjoy the same keterperosokan into the mud, and we see it as foolishness no tara.

Education authority

Real education is not a question that need not be complicated if we see it as a cultural process. The core process of cultured is trust the various parties will be the presence of freedom in managing a mutually agreed value. In freedom, the entire party can dialogue, even arguing that allows the development of an agreed value constantly. In other words, the value agreed upon in the dialectic, not something that is dead, let alone turned off.

Dialectics are built one at a time bound by a common interest, namely by the nation's future that is supposed to exist on the shoulders of the students, a generation that has to emerge and grow productive in 2-3 decades into the future.

The Government should be a peg for the tegaknya trust and the dialectics. As a peg, it must grow and development of various meniscayakan critical thinking into the universe for his various idea anything about education. The Ministry of education and culture should be the House that gave a sense of security as well as fun for the activists and the slaves of education. Education can never take place properly without such excitement.

In addition, the Government may not be too far into the Affairs of the substance. It should not be present on the issue of UN and the curriculum. Surely the Government intervened. As is happening now, the charge of politics and power become very dominant. Look at the case of UN and curriculum of 2013. There seemed no clear dialog. Kemdikbud tend to use only "facility power". The parties that are critical can be tested objectively validity delineates considered enemies who should be Chief.

In the case of Curriculum 2013, for instance, critics of the curriculum is referred to as antiperubahan, the man a whim, not understanding the problem, not the core players, and others. The curriculum would later become a matter of politics. Kemdikbud be busy looking for political support to a number of political parties. Even though in the case of UN. Despite a disastrous gaffe, the Government is still putting up Babylon home power.

Education without values

Because of that, education in this country goes without values education. The school transformed into an institution for bermuaranya kepongahan while foolishness authorities. Students are at the end of the matter as the party that's always made an alibi: future generations should be saved. Crap!

While teachers urged to dilematis position: on the one hand he demands creative and qualified, but on the other hand burdened the various rules that fetter. In fact, the right to determine graduation students were crushed UN up to 60 percent.

As a result, analogous to the Louis Althusser (1984), the school no longer could be called ideological state apparatuses as the embed value ideologically persuasive. The school thus becomes a repressive state apparatuses that missed the value of repressive and unconscious students, also a teacher.

Therefore, there is no process of cultural interest in education. What happens is the power of camouflage. In such a situation, the concept and action related to the creativity of students not born and grow from and to student life itself, but rather something that is implied by the rule.

Please check the selected questions in the UN, for example. This type of problem mengamuflase the freedom and creativity of students. The type of the real matter of choice there is no choice because students can't pick apart the material options are proffered. This is a circular road kepongahan power.

Board Of Education

In order that the situation of continued progress, not the realm of substantial education must be provided to the parties that are independent of the Board of education who is administratively responsible to the Kemdikbud. In the independenlah discussion board all material and substance education can take place with focus, critical, and democratic.

The Government should take care of other important areas that have so far remained dormant. Infrastructure, teaching and learning facilities, improving the quality of teachers, and the welfare of teachers are some of the examples are still far below the education budget he says 20 percent of the NATIONAL BUDGET.

Remember, the efforts to improve the quality of teachers should be continuous, not enough with just trained five days when the curriculum would be changed. The Program also does not directly identified with the increased prosperity as it did on teacher certification. The lure of money on certification is an insult to humanity. Dibetot teacher mentality to most structures beyond the mundane. This is a very bad example in the world of education.

Leaders must understand

To reach it, first needed a leader, in this case the Minister understands very well the situation and conditions of schooling us. Ministers understand this is only he who has the ability, tenacity, and courage to "down blusukan (exploration)" into the rink issue.

Technically — sorry not a technical problem, the UN deployment the Minister must also often visit schools — which could be compiled into a region or cluster — are scattered all over the island. The Minister who just work relying on bureaucratic structure as it is now it's guaranteed never will be able to resolve the issue. Today we need leaders who dare to break through the structure as well as thinking and working out of the frame (out of the box). Ministers like this will understand the geopolitical as well as "geokultur". Thus, the Minister is also capable of creating such education as the process of cultured!

Acep Iwan Saidi Cultural Studies Forum Chairman Of The ITB



The curriculum 2006, Extinct Before Developing

The practice of the system of national education is inseparable from the process of democratization of the country. Pascareformasi, the spirit of improving the education system strengthened over the increase in regional authority in the era of autonomy. The survey results show the Government policies in the field of education, earn high enough appreciation of teachers who become the respondents.

Related to the implementation of the current curriculum, the Curriculum 2006, seven out of every 10 respondents expressed satisfaction with respect to its implementation. The level of satisfaction with respect to the implementation of the curriculum in 2006 is higher than the 2004 Curriculum known as competency-based Curriculum.

In the eyes of the respondents, the 2004 Curriculum tends to be uniform curriculum across Indonesia and respect local excellence. The 2006 curriculum, which is a refinement of the previous curriculum, assessed to be of a democratic education implementation guidelines.

However, the satisfaction it is discourse-looking surface. Limited ability of teacher lays out the structure of the curriculum led to the implementation of the Curriculum in a number of lines of the 2006 bolong. There is a gap created between the concept of the ideal of visionary and ability translate into teacher plan instruction.

The 2006 curriculum known as the concept of the curriculum unit level education (KTSP). Legally, KTSP mandated by law No. 20 of 2003 on the national education system and government regulation of the Republic of Indonesia number 19 in 2005 about education standards.

When traced further, there are at least two issues that led to the concept of democratization of education in charge of the curriculum 2006 walked swaying. The first issue related to the readiness of teachers as the spearhead of the educational activities in the school. Over the past seven years of implementing the 2006 Curriculum does not immediately make the teachers understand the concept and content of the curriculum is optimally. Application of pattern on the still stuck to KTSP lack the ability of teachers and schools.

The survey shows, only half the respondents who understand the content of the curriculum. This group mainly from among the principal and teachers of the class. The other half, especially from a group of teachers in the field, tend to just know the outline. There were no significant differences between the understanding of teacher certification and certified, not from your favorite school or accredited school accredited with B and C.

Most teachers are mediocre types with mediocre abilities who tend to be one-way and not "translate" creative curriculum. In fact, the notion of ideal KTSP expects the birth of novelty of thought based on locality. The KTSP, a teacher claimed to be more creative in running education. That is, with limited level of understanding of the teacher, it is difficult to expect the emergence of KTSP creativity education from the classroom.


The second issue related to the damaging charge structure KTSP too dense. Three out of four respondents rate, KTSP too tightness demonstrated by number of subjects and content that is too broad. Kesukarannya also rated beyond the level of development of the age of the child.

For students, there are 10 subjects, including local content and self development, with a share of up to 36 hours per week. JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL students have 12 subjects, including local content as well as information and communication technology, with a share of 38 hours per week. By comparison, in the United States there are only four subjects as core curriculum in the primary, i.e. language, mathematics, social sciences, and natural science.

Load the curriculum still coupled with the standard evaluation of graduates through the mechanism of the national examination (UN) that measures the quality of graduate students and decide. The UN is seen likely to restrict the students and teachers who want to explore the knowledge outside of the material to be tested. Most respondents rate, UN irrelevant describes the achievement of national education as a whole, which includes mental, spiritual, and intellectual. These complaints mainly voiced teachers from private schools (66,9%), while teachers in public schools tend to be giddy addressing.


Plan the transition curriculum from KTSP Curriculum into 2013 could not help publish a question mark for some teacher respondents. This is related to dizziness teachers see their daily reality is still far from ready to say in the running of the practice teaching is the thematic Curriculum in 2013. Two out of five respondents did not believe that a transitional plan curriculum into the proper way improve the quality of education.

Moreover, in practice, "fate" school teachers today are very determined policy education service in each area. The thing in question teachers is, if rated KTSP "good" have not been evaluated pluses and minuses implementation, why so rush to apply the new curriculum?

(Wonderful Surya Wardhani/Anthony Anthony/R & D Compass)



222 Students in Jakarta did not Follow UN elementary level

AppId is over the quota
Jakarta Education Office noted 99.86 percent or 153.009 students in the capital following the national examination (UN) level of Elementary Schools and equal. Of the overall total of 15.231 students, as many as 200 students or 0.14 per cent did not follow UN first day.

Madrasah Ibtidaiyah student (MI), a total of 12.317 students (99,63%) present and 45 students (0.37 percent) did not attend. While for students (SDLB), attendance reached 100 percent, with a total of 123 students.

"Implementation of the UN for the elementary level and equivalents in Jakarta on the first day went well. As much as 99.86 percent of students attend, "said the head of the Department of education (Disdik) DKI Jakarta, Taufik Yudi Hai, Jakarta, Monday (6/5/2013).

"Based on our data, of a total of 222 students or 0.14 percent that did not take the test today, as many as 10 students absent because recorded died," said Taufik.

Taufik reveals it also noted as much as 33 students are absent by reason of sickness, 105 students without captions, and 74 students enrolled as a student of inclusion.

According to Taufik, it provides opportunities for students who do not attend the first day of implementation of the UN, for the subsequent examination.

"Next week, the plan, we will hold successive tests on the same subjects for all students who do not have to take the test today. So, students need not worry, "said Taufik.

Based on the Disdik Jakarta, on the first day of UN, as many as 140.614 students (99,87 percent) take the test and 177 (0.13 per cent) students do not attend.



Mendikbud: Please, Dont Touch Education...

Minister: Please, Don't Touch Education ...

JAKARTA, — Minister of education and Cultural Affairs Mohammad Noah asked that education is now being executed is not linked to political affairs. In fact, he insists that education should not be touched by anything, including politics.

"Education Matters should not be linked to the periodization of politics. Please don't touch education, "said Noah as impromptu inspection of implementation of national examination (UN) elementary school in the ELEMENTARY SCHOOL of Bhakti, Jakarta, Monday (6/5/2013).

It is revealed that this education issue should be done on an ongoing basis and should not be influenced by political period which runs. Because of this, education concerning his life the people and the future of the nation, so that what is already running cannot be changed casually only for reasons of political period.

"Once again, do not associate with the five year period of political education. Already do not disturb, run system that runs good and fix yet, "said Noah.

"If harassed by political period. Mosok finished five years later, his studies took place, "he added.

To that end, he is working hard to continue to provide the best for the world of education. But for those who do not agree with the steps so far taken the Ministry of education and culture, will be held a National Convention to find a middle way of education without any political interference.




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